💹The Rise Of Zorc📈

Start from the beginning

Seto takes her hand in his and walks her over to Priest Seto and Atem "nice outfit"  Seto says sarcastically to Atem making Qetesh chuckle softly with a smile "Kaiba! what are you doing in this world?!.... I thought I was just seeing things"  Atem replies as he turns around to face him "so I've been hugging a pillar all this time!?!.... if I'd only known!.... I would have hugged it tighter!"  Qetesh teases Atem laughs Seto stares at her with playfully narrowed eyes then smiles "I have a feeling Bakura had something to do with it!.... after all he would need a piece of someone's soul to reincarnate himself!.... as for what he's doing here afterwards.... that.... I have no idea!.... maybe it's to help him rule out his skepticism.... or he could think that he's dreaming!.... I think he would prefer that over the reality of.... everything!"  she continues in a more serious tone Seto looks at her sadly then he hears his own voice say to him "I hear I have you to thank for taking care of....!"  Seto Kaiba looks up at Priest Seto and says rudely "I don't need your thanks I love her too!"  Priest Seto's eyes widen then a smile slides up the corner of his lips and a short chuckle forms from them at the same time as he thinks to himself "we really are alike aren't we!?!"  Qetesh who was ready to stop them from fighting with one another smiles at the thought that just flowed through Priest Seto's head then she looks up at the upside down pyramid in the sky and wonders "just what is his plan for Yugi and the others!?!... what is happening up there!?!.... I hope Atem's alright!"  both Seto's and Atem reach for Qetesh as she falls to her knees "I have.... I have to go!"  she whispers softly then she turns into a BEWD and flies away.... with Qetesh and Isra already knowing Atem's true name they knew that they were not suppose to be a part of this part of the "game" so as Zorc rose Qetesh went to stand at her sisters side by the throne and help her take care of the people of Egypt as she was heading towards the village she saw Hasan do whatever he could to protect the court shadows and she picks him up as she flies off leaving a copy of him behind to continue to do as he was meant to "you have not failed Hasan you did as he asked you to do now it is my turn to protect you!"  she tells him as he stands protected in her gentle BEWD claw "I have an odd feeling that Zorc can not see me.... I was once a part of the Shadows but even when I lived there my light never diminished which is why I can now live once again within the world I was meant to live in with the man I was meant to live with at my side.... I just hope Seto can forgive me!"  she ends her words with a whisper knowing that even though her tone was low he still heard her "why are you here!?!"  Hasan asks "my sister and I.... we know what he is meant to find on his own.... I was on my way to the palace.... of course I took the long way there but.... I know I was not meant to be a part of this fight no matter how much I wish I could help.... my sister and I are stronger than the Shadows because we were born from them it is the reason our hearts feel as they do for the two men of this world.... we were meant to find out what we could about them!.... their strengths, their weaknesses.... the problem with that is we became their one true and strongest weakness!.... and since I am heading there I suppose you'll still be able to keep your vow.... though the number of people you have to protect has now grown immensely larger!"  she replies he chuckles and a few seconds later they land on the palace balcony and walk inside to help Isra protect the citizens of Egypt who have ushered into the palace.... Isra, Hasan, Qetesh, Mana, Kisara and the pharaoh's court do whatever they can to keep the villagers safe while Priest Seto, Atem and the copies of Mana and the court fight against Zorc Isra turns as soon as she feels the presence of Exodia arise to fight Zorc and she smiles "the old man's still got it hmm!?!"  she teases "who you calling old you young whipper snapper!?!"  Shimon teases back making her laugh and he joins her by laughing as well..... "Hasan, Isis, Shada, Karim.... and now Shimon.... who will be next!?!"  Qetesh asks softly as Exodia falls being that it was their power that created the copies both Qetesh and Isra fall to their knees weakened by the ones they lost it was then they felt Atem receive the Millennium Puzzle once again and his strength became Isra's strength as she rose back to her feet then helped her sister up as well and Qetesh gained her strength back as soon as Priest Seto received the Millennium Rod once again....

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