Chapter 15: I know.

Start from the beginning

"Sounds like a great idea." Pidge already lays down on her stomach to paddle towards a big wave. Lance follows her. He'll show her he can even beat her after a break of 6 days."


"Shiro I swear if you throw that water on me I'll take you out of my will!" Keith may have gotten better. But water is still evil incarnated.. "Shiro I mean itt!"

Shiro held a open bottle of water with seawater above his head. He wasn't really going to do it of course.. he isn't that cruel. "Then give me back the damn sunglasses."

"But I want them! I forgot mine.." Keith whines. Why did he let Shiro drag him to the beach.. He really wonders how Shiro succeeds in making him go with him everytime.

It has been a couple weeks now since the breakup between Lance and Allura. It has slowly been going back to normal except that Lance and Allura still haven't seen each other again. But the others all understand that it will take some time for them to be comfortable seeing each other again.

Lance has been training a lot again. Everytime they plan on doing something nice with the group he had canceled because of training. He wants to make up for lost time. The championships already start in two weeks, he can't slack off now.

Allura is busy too. That is her excuse for not showing up. But well she was always busy. She did decide that maybe... she is a bit too busy. That is a good thing. She started spending more time with Pidge alone, and she hanged out with other friends she already knew before she met Lance.

"You should just have brought your own. Now give me mine." Shiro orders and Keith gives him back the sunglasses.

"Okay fine here!"

Shiro sits back down next to Adam. They are so cuddly and it makes Keith feel like some third wheel. Really why did he agree on coming?
Oh yes now he remembers. Since Lance is busy training a lot these days he just.. sees him less often. But here he is having a beautiful view of Lance Mcclain training his ass off for the championships.

He's proud of him for working this hard. Keith can see how much Lance wants this.

"Watching your boyfriend again?" Shiro teases.

Keith gives him a death glare. "He isn't my boyfriend you know this. Low blow Shiro low blow."

"I just think it is cute. And I think you should tell him you like him." Shiro says.

Keith pinches the bridge of his nose. "Shiro how stupid are you? Why the hell would I tell him. For starters he is not over Allura.. everybody can see that. Second he is really busy right now. Third it will ruin what we already have and last but not least I have never seen Lance even look at guy like he looks at girls."

"Well yeah maybe you should wait till he is healed more.. but it would maybe give you more then you already have and you will both be happier. And if Lance really doesn't feel that way for you he isn't the guy to not be friends with you anymore." Shiro just wants Keith to be happy. He sees the smile on his face everytime he looks at Lance. He sees how much he cares for him.

"No is no Shiro." Keith looks down at the sand. It's getting hotter and hotter at the beach in the sun. You only have to touch the sand and you are burned. Keith hates it..

Keith sighs. He removes his shirts to cool down a little. He also asks Adam if he can have some drink water. But both Adam and Shiro look at him and shock.

"Adam?? Can I have some water." Keith repeats.

"You look great Keith.. you're starting to get your old figure back." Shiro says proudly. He knew Keith was going to the gym again, but he didn't know how much effort Keith had put into it. Now he knows though.

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