Part 15

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Your heart rate began to escalate as you went onto instagram. Just that morning you didn't have that many followers but here you were checking and you had loads of notifications- people following, commenting, dm requests... what the heck??

And then you saw the pictures.

First you saw pictures of you and him walking down the trail together.

Then they were or you and Seb making out in the grass.

His hand was up your shirt.

Your hand covered your mouth as you looked in horror.

"(y/n)? is something wrong? you look like you've seen a ghost..." Sebastian turned to you in concern.

You just shoved your phone at him and put your face in your hands, "How could this happen??"

You looked up to see Sebs reaction about it all but he seemed to be pretty calm.

"Is this NOT a big deal to you??" you asked, suddenly standing up.

"Well being famous, Im used to it but..."

"So then you're all cool with it then?!"

"(y/n) that's not what i said!!" he defended himself, "so what they see us making out you're my girlfriend and they can piss off!"

"Sebastian, it's  the invasion of privacy...i bet they're still lurking around somewhere!! we need to get out of here.." you said, grabbing your clothes and starting to put them on.

He started putting on his clothes too, "(y/n), i'm in no way saying it's okay. I hate it. But being famous, i'm just more used to it. that's what i meant, okay?"

"Yeah, okay, lets get out of here..." you urged.

Sebastian handed you back your phone and you shoved it in your back pocket.

You were all dressed now and you picked up your towel to carry.

"Why do people have to ruin everything," Sebastian said angrily as the two of you began walking down the trail.

There seemed to be nobody in sight but this time you weren't sure.

You felt like there were people hiding in the bushes or something.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you this is just a frustrating situation.." you said as the two of you walked.

"It's made me mad too but i guess i just hide it well..." he reached for your hand as you kept walking and he intertwined your fingers and you tried to forget about the pictures...


By the time you got back to his car and checked your phone, you had even more notifications.

Everyone found you so fast...

Some of the comments quickly going by made you smile like: "Wow she's absolutely stunning!" and "what a queen" but then you came across ones like "Sebs new girlfriend was a FANGIRL? you've got to be kidding me..." and "she paid money to meet him at the convention i bet she's paying him more to go on dates with her" and "pathetic" you could feel your face paling as you turned off your phone before you could let any more comments get to you.

"What's wrong?" Sebastian asked from the drivers seat.

You still hadn't moved anywhere you had just been sitting in the parking lot.

"Nothing...i just cant believe someone freakin stalked you and got pictures of us...ugh," you sighed.

"Hey. There's nothing that we can do about it. Let's not dwell on the past, okay?" Sebastian said softly and you turned to look at him.

"I guess you're right..." you replied, staring into his beautiful blue eyes.

"Of course I'm right," he said with a smile.

You leaned in, taking in the beauty of him up close. You were just slowly taking him in- admiring all the beautiful features of his face. He had soft stubble and beautiful full pink lips. His skin was glowing like usual and his eyes were so bright and like the crystal clear ocean waters. He reached out one of his lovely hands and put it on your face- his skin was so soft and his thumb slowly caressed your cheek.

"How are you so perfect?" you whispered; you hadn't intended to speak the words but you didn't mind that they were out there.

You could tell you caught him off guard because he got the most beautiful shy smile on his face after you said that and his cheeks turned red.

"Wow did i leave THE sebastian stan speechless for once?" you teased.

He just leaned in and kissed your lips delicately before you pulled away, "We don't need any more pictures for the internet."

With those words said you couldn't help but remember all those mean comments, and you tried to push them away...

"Well then I cant wait till we get somewhere completely private," he said with the biggest smirk on his face.

793 words

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