First Stop (part 3)

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Hii. It 4:37 a.m. where I am but I just want to write this now. So please enjoy. Oh and also idk if I mentioned but it's around April in the story.

Your POV

I wake up in my bed. 'Why am I here?' I think 'was it all a dream?' I sit up and Megan's not in her bed I grab my phone. It's almost 9:00 in the morning. I get up and I'm just wearing a hoodie and some nike shorts. I walk out of my room and go to the kitchen, then the living room where everyone is. "Good morning  (y/n)" "oi (y/n) how'd ya sleep?" I hear Megan and mason say as I walk in. "Good morning and I slept Good how about you guys?" "Same" swager says sitting up. "I slept wonderfully" said Cam, he was sitting in the corner. I look at him for a second try to decide if it was a dream or not. After a minute or two past I say "what are we doing today?" "We're all going to the spa then we were planning on going swimming in the ocean" Cam says look at me. "That sound fun let's get ready."

Everyone, almost simultaneously, gets up to go get ready.

Me and Megan go to our room. "Hey, (y/n) what are you going to wear?" "Umm I was thinking a bathing suit. Why what were you going to wear?" "Probably a bathing suit as well." We both change she's wearing a cute white and gold bikini and I'm wearing a white one piece.

Cams POV

When she walks out into the living room the room lights up. 'Damn she's stunning' I think as she and Megan sit down. I can't help but think about last night, Her crying it hurt me because I can't stand her being hurt
, and Her wanting me to hold her in my arms I just can't stop thinking about her but I have to try because of what happened last time. Not again.

We all walk out and go to the spa. There's only a room for all 6 of us together. I should have booked the things better. We walk in and there is 3 tables in the front of the room and 3 in the back of the room.

Time skip, aka after the spa, and your POV

We start walking back to the hut. "Megan have you talked to anyone back home? Other than Chase." "other than Chase, umm no but Elizabeth keeps trying to text me." "Ewww Elizabeth?! She's so annoying." "I know!" Megan says laughing. "Hey, are you two going to take some edibles tonight?" Swags says to me and Megan. "Umm what time are we going tomorrow?" "12:30" toby says "I might then. How many should I have? And how many do you have?" "I have 7 brownies and 15 edibles, each have 50 milligrams" "I'll have one edible after we're done swimming. I don't want them to kick in when I'm in the ocean." "Good idea (y/n)" Cam says as we walk in the hut.

We all walk through the hut out to the back where the deck is. Swagger and toby jump in and Megan takes the ladder in. Cam goes after Megan and then me. Swagger then says "Mason bet you won't jump from there" pointing to the tallest point of the deck. "Bet mate" "mason just don't hurt yourself" Cam says like a dad telling his son to calm down. Mason climbs up to the tallest point.

Cams POV:

I look over at (y/n). She looks worried. I move a little closer and say "don't worry, he has jumped higher than that before." "So he's going to be safe?" "Mason? Being safe? Never, but he'll be ok." "Good I don't want anybody hurt." '(Y/n) for got to ask me her question.'

Your POV

"Oh yeah you forgot to ask me your question last night" cam says before mason jumps 'so last night did happen' I think. "oh I'll just ask you later." "Ok"

Mason screams "Bet swags" as he jumps in. He swims up to the surface and shook his head to splatter up with water from his hair. "That looked so fucking cool" Megan says. "Go do it then" Megan looks at me as if she was asking if she could. "You can just don't die." I say and as I do her face lights up, "I won't" she says swimming to the ladder. She climbs up and Cam says "has she ever done something like this?" "Yeah every summer, when the pool opens there is a jumping platform and it's really high so she jumps off that." "That sounds cool I wish I could see it" "you can, didn't Jimmy say we might go to my hometown?" "Now that I think about it yeah he did."

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