The surprise

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"(Y/N)!! GET YOUR BAGS AND GET IN THE CAR!!" "OK!!" I scream back at my mom. Today is the day I'm going to North Carolina to go see what the big surprise is. I'm excited for it.

Logan, my brother, said that he's going to throw a party. And that means he'll have a mess to clean up so I tell him to go for it.

I walk down and out the door and say "mom I'm getting my stuff in the car" "ok I'll be there in a minute" "ok"

I get my suitcases in and get in I go on my phone and wait after an hour drive me and my mom are on the plane 1/4 of the way and I fall asleep.

3/4 of the way there I walk up I grab my laptop and watch Fitz until we are in North Carolina. Nothing crazy happens so we get in our Uber.

We Drive to mr.beasts house and we grab our stuff and get out. I walk up to the door and ring the doorbell. " hey" he says after opening the door. I say "hi are you mr.beast?" "Yeah but you can call me jimmy" was that me or did he just wink? My moms back by we're the car dropped us off "so am I the person who won whatever the surprise is?" "Is your name (y/n)" "yeah" "then yeah come on in" "wait let me help my mom with the bags"

I walk back to my mom and grab one of her bags and her other one got lifted. I look over and jimmy has it and starts to walk.

I walk behind him and when I get in and set the suitcase down I say "thanks" "no problem and we're filming tomorrow" "oh I wanted to ask you about that" he walks over to sit on the couch and I follow him and my mom follows me. "So basically it's a video idea about me and my friends doing crazy things but at the end your going to get your surprise" "and that surprise is...?" "No no no you'll figure out tomorrow"

Time skip

It's almost 12 in the morning and I'm laying in the guest bedroom at jimmy's house and I'm about to go to bed but I am just so excited but I mange to fall asleep.

Another time skip to the next day 1:26 p.m.

I woke up and showered this morning and I did my hair and my makeup but I felt incomplete. I look in the mirror. I'm wearing a hoodie Megan got for me on my birthday which I love. I'm also wearing black leggings with splotches of white like a painting. "I need something...." I look over to my suitcase that's open. And I see my necklaces that my 6 main best friends have so but it on. "Perfect!" I say cheerful.

I walk downstairs and outside where they are filming the video. I try to stay out of sight but jimmy says "hey (y/n) are you ready to be in the video." "Umm.." I hesitate "I guess" "oh and please be surprised" "ok" I say as nice as I could.

I walk over by jimmy and he starts to talk to the camera and I just standing there. "Blah blah blah.... blah blah.. and this is the person who's getting the surprise" "ummm do I introduce myself?" I say to jimmy. "Uh yeah" "ok... I'm (y/n) and I'm really excited about the surprise and very curious." I say in my best, clearest voice "great job" he whispers "and her big surprise is-"

"What.. wait ... where am I? what happened?" "You fainted" a voice I recognized, Jimmy's voice. "Wait.. why.. why did I faint?" "When I finished saying your surprise was you were so shocked you fainted" "wait so what was my surprise?" "Your surprise was that you, one of your friends get to go on a trip around the world with your favorite YouTuber and you get $10,000 for your trip" "woah wait really??" "Yeah" "I know who I'm taking." "Who?"

"I'm going to take my bestie Megan," "..and your favorite YouTuber is who?" "Fitz and the gang for sure they are so funny" "Fitz? Great I have his number, we once did a video together" "I know I watch all the things they do" "ok any specific people of there gang?" "Yes actually Fitz; of course, swagger, mason, and Toby. They are my favorites" "ok get packed I'll text you when your trip if fully schedule and I'll give you Fitz number if he agrees" "omg I'm soo excited!"

Time skip

The 2 days I was in North Carolina it was fun and exciting. I'm going with Fitz and his friends around the world. I can barley believe it. But then after about 3 days I got a text. From Fitz's number.
Fitz: hi so I guess because we are going around the world together I should be able to see what you look like. Right?

(Y/n):Umm yeah I guess but I already know what you look like you know because of your videos.

Fitz: soo can I have a picture?

(Y/n): yeah one minute

Fitz wants to know what I look like I have to find my best picture. I found a cute, but not trying to hard; sexy, but not thot-like; and of course a hot filter. I send it. He looks at it. He's typing.

Fitz: woah, your so beautiful. Wait how old are you?

(Y/n): well I'm 20 and I'm going to be 21 in 6 days.

Hi writer here again so as you can see I changed the age of you your 20 about to be 21. I changed it so you can do stuff later on in the story. Hope you enjoyed-writer

Word count: 994

Total word count: 2,648

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