Her present

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I'm not going to talk long but this is basted on my real bestie Megan because we went shopping and spent over $100 so yeah I hope you enjoy

Cam walks over to apple, I follow him. He asks "what type of phone does Megan have?" "A seven" "what type do you have?" "A seven as well" "well if you want you can get you and her iPhone X's and matching phone cases" "I love that idea but.. I want something else a little more meaningful" "I have another idea mate but do you want to do the phone one?" "Yes" I walk over to where all the iPhone x's are and I pick the white for me and text her "white or gold?" She responds "white"

I ask the worker "may I have two iPhone X's?" "Yes what colors do you want?" "Oh may I have two white?" "Yes please excuse me as I grab them" "thank you" the worker starts to walk to the back of the store to get the phones "oh wait way I have a pare AirPods as well?" "Yes one moment"

We stand and wait "hey so my other idea was to get her a travel plushie" "like a stuffed bear?" "Yeah kinda there's a store here that sells stuffed animals and before I didn't mean to ease drop but I heard you two talking about a guy name Jacob and if Megan would be able to go without him and I thought a bear would help" "Well Jacob  is Megan's boyfriend and they hang out and talk about everything and they've been dating for a while" "so yes or no?" "Yeah how are you so good at figuring out gifts?" "I don't know I just do" "well thank you for the ideas" I hug him and he hugs me back "your welcome" he says as we stop hugging and just in time the worker is back with the phones and stuff "that will be $2,159.95" "ok" I grab all the money and give it to her she hands me back my change and gives me my bag "thank you so much" "have a good one"

Me and Cam walk out and he says "come on the boys are waiting" he grabs my hand and starts to run to the shop. "Woah that's a lot of stuff animals" "which one are you going to get?" "I don't know can you pick out two so I can decide?" "Sure" he walks around and grabs a navy blue whale. Then he picks up a fluffy llama and walks back over to me. "Which one?" "Both" "ok lets get them and go we planned to film together tonight" I look at my phone and it says 6:45 "ok let's go!"

We check out and walk out and we see the car we have to sit in the back because Chris had to leave for his wife swagger moved to to front and Toby, mason, and Megan were sitting in the middle. We hop in the back and we drive bak to jimmy's house. On the way I go on Instagram and Twitter then check my Snapchat. Snapchat and Instagram is pretty boring but I opened Twitter to see the notifications that Cam, swagger, Toby, mason, and misfits have followed me. "Woah" I say under my breath but I said it to loud and Cam looks over at my phone and genuinely smiles and looks away.

Fitz/ Cams POV

"I felt like we were floating in thin air. Or if we were in a safe bubble but the world was decaying. When me and (y/ n) hugged it felt perfect as if we were one not two people. I want to hug (y/n) again but when? She's mostly by people talking, laughing, and making the people love her." "Cam if you like her so much ask her out dude" "Toby you know I don't want a relationship right now and I can't do that because of what happened last time" "but you want one with (y/n) and I know what happened last time but you only live once" "yea I do want to but I can't not again... she'll probably say no and if I ask her out and she says no when where traveling it would be awkward" "I know but-" mason runs in the room and says "boys come down here we're celebrating Megan's birthday early but shhh" "ok we'll be down in a sec" I get up and say to Toby "you ready?" "Yeah but I have a question" "what is it mate?" "Never mind I'll ask later" "Whatever mate"

Me and Toby walk down and see everyone but Megan sitting down and there's a small pile of colorful wraps gifts. "Shit" I whisper under my breath I forget to get Megan something. Then Megan walks down the stairs and we all say "HAPPY BIRTHDAY MEGAN!!!!!!" She was shocked and looked a little confused. "Well happy early birthday Megan!!" (Y/n) says as she goes over to hug her. "What do you want to do first we have chocolate cupcakes, presents, or dancing/ partying" "how about that order" "ok great" we all walk over to the kitchen and (y/n) lights the candles and we sing happy birthday. After we eat the cupcakes we go and sit down in the living room and start presents.

"First present if from me and Cam we got it today and thought you would like it" (y/n) gives Megan a gift bag and pulls out the llama we picked out today at the store. "Next, is masons and swaggers gift" Megan opens it and is a body wash, shampoo, and conditioner set and mason says "you said this one was your favorite at the store so we got it for you because (y/n) texted swags that your early birthday party was tonight" "well thank you guys" "it's not over Megan" (y/n) says smiling and handing Megan the last gift, her new phone "you've been my friend for the longest time and I thought that getting you this would be helpful" Megan starts to unwrap the phone and when she sees what it is her eye water up and she gets up and hugs (y/n) "thank you so much I love you" Megan whispers to her "I love you to" (y/n) whispers back.

After that we partied until 2:05 a.m. but that was kinda stupid because where leaving that day for our first stop.

Hiii soo this is going to be my second upload I'm two days! I don't want to do the total word count so I'm just going to do the regular one. Hope you enjoyed byeeee!!!!

Word count: 1,103

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