First Stop (part 2)

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Here we are back with part 2
Hope you enjoy! Not to talk long but the first stop is bora bora idk if I mentioned that.

Your POV:

"Megan" you whisper hoping she hears you. "Megan" aging no response. "(Y/n) why are you still up, you were up most of last night" "Cam I know but I'm not good with storms especially when I'm in the middle of the ocean on an island" "it's ok you don't need to be scared" "I know but when ever there was a big storm back home me and Megan would talk through it so I wouldn't remember that there's a storm" " so all you have to do is talk to someone?" "Kinda, someone who listens well" "talk to me" "where? I don't want to wake her up" "come on" he says as he waves his hand for me to follow him.

"Are we going outside?" "Of course not I found this place back when... Nevermind come here" 'back when what?' I think as I walk over to him. He opens a cabinet that looked like a decoration. It's empty. It's kinda big but kinda small. It's kinda high to, high enough that I can kinda reach it. "It's kinda like a secret bunker." "Woah it looks so cool can we go in it?" "Yeah" he looks over at me. "Need a hand mate?" "Umm kinda could you?" "Sure" Cam grabs my legs and sits me in the thing and the gets up himself. Thunder crashes down just before Cam closes the door. I look around. It's actually bigger than I thought and in the corner is a pile of a blanket and 2 pillows. But there on the side by Cam. I'm sitting on my knees and I lean over to grab them and set them up. One pillow for me and one for Cam. And the huge, warm blanket covered both of us.

"So what do you want to talk about?" "Well when me and Megan just talk about life and how her and Chase are." "Ok then if you talk about life how have you been?" "In what way do you mean? Do you mean mentally or just what I've been doing with my life?" "Yeah both kinda" "Ok well my life has been going good but there always something sad that can happen so I keep and eye out for that" "and mentally?" "Well it's just been kinda hard not as hard as some people have it but it's definitely not the best." "Well I'm not going to sleep until you are sick of talking to me" "fine but only if I can ask you a question after I'm done." "Deal"

Cam' s POV

"Where do want me to start?" (Y/n) says. "Well I'm the listener soo were ever you want" "Well ok umm mentally I'm really anxiety filled and sometimes I just become really sad like 2 seconds after I'm super happy for no reason." 'She's talking so fast but she is explaining everything so clearly' i think as her speeds up her words 'is she getting anxious what can I do to make her feel calm?' I think. Then without my brain thinking I grab (y/n)s hand and sit there and hold it. She seams to calm down. "Can I tell you something, Cam?" "Yeah what is it?" "Well the only other person I told this stuff was Megan and she doesn't know the whole thing." "Does that mean you don't want to tell me?" "Well you have to promise not to tell anyone" "promise" I say and she holds out her pinky for a pinky promise and of course I finalize the promise.

Your POV

As I start talking Cam was looking straight into my eyes. Accualy listening. Full concentration on me and what I'm saying.

⚠this might trigger some people so read if you want but it kinda helps the story⚠

Cams POV

"Do you want the simplest way of putting it?" (Y/n) says in a quite voice. "If you want to. I'm all ears." "Ok.... just straight up... I hate myself." I feel my face drop. Her beautiful (y/ec) eyes start to water up. This is the second time I seen her cry. I sit up and wrap my arms around her body. "Umm... If you don't mind me asking why?" "Well a lot of reasons. One of the main one is I hate my body." I pull back and look at her. 'Why her body she looks flawless?" I think. She then looks me in the eyes. She's crying so much but not making a noise. I feel bad but I don't know what she's going through so I can't help her. "What can I do to help?" "Cam?" "Yes (y/n)?" "Can you hold me?" "Of course, but do you want anything else?" "No thank you though" I hold her close to me and we both lay down. I wait until she's sleeping until I go to sleep.

Your POV

I feel his arms around me as I fall asleep. 'Oh I forgot to ask Cam. I'll ask him tomorrow' I think as I fall asleep. But all I can think about is Cam holding me, comforting me. But then I just fall asleep completely.

I know, I haven't posted in a while but I have an explanation. Me and my bestie got our nails done and it is so hard to type with them. And of course my school work but I'm going to try and Wright more often. And yes I know it's short but I haven't had the time.


Thank you for reading as always.
Hope you have an amazing day.
If you enjoyed share and tell your friends and don't forget to star.

Word count: 956

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