The hoodie

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Your POV:
I text my best friend, Megan, when I wake up.
Megan: get up already we're going shopping!
Me: uhhh but we have the internet we can shop online. And I see this hoodie that I like and today's the day I get it.
Megan: you and your hoodies. I'll text you later got to go to work.
Me:Haha have fun at work!
Megan: Whatever fuck you
Me: fuck you to

I get up and decide to get dressed for my day off from work. I get my sweatpants on and grab a tie-die t-shirt and go down to my kitchen. I grab my laptop on the way out.I go get something to eat and decide on a pop tart.

My older brother is sitting on the couch with his best friend, Ryan. For some reason I like Ryan even though he's an ass. He's a year older but I'm turning 21 in a couple of weeks. I really don't know why I like him maybe because he was always nice to me. But, we stopped talking after he got a girlfriend, and I still had a small, ok a huge, crush on him still but I couldn't break someone's relationship it's not right. So I got over him, it was hard but I did. The only reason was able to was because of the guys at school and fitz. Even though Ryan still went to school I was able to avoid him and his friends. But when he was over at my house with my brother it was hard so I stopped dressing good so he wouldn't look at me. It worked for over a month but then he started looking at me again.

When I'm in the kitchen Ryan walks in getting something from the fridge. I open my laptop to look busy but he catches just before I could. "Hey" he says in his chilling voice "hi" I reply sheepishly "what are you doing today" "I was gonna go shopping with Megan but something came up at works so she's busy". Wanting this conversation to end I finish my pop tart and get up to throw it away. "Hey so.." Ryan moves a little closer "umm me and Chloe broke up" "oh I'm sorry but why?" I say surprised "Well I broke up with her because she was talking to other guys" "oh I'm sorry about that." I go back to sit down Ryan follows me and is eyeing me up and down. He shakes his head almost he's trying to snap back into reality "Well Logan's probably waiting for me to start a match" "umm ok have fun playing." I expect him to leave but he waits a second then leaves.

I go on my laptop and just buy the hoodie I was going to today so I'm do with it. I walk back to my room and my phone rings. It's my jobs number. I answer it Jill, my coworker,starts to talk "hey umm so the store is really busy could you come down and work?" "Um yeah give me 10 minutes" I hang up. "Uhhhh I don't want to work today" I say but I get something to wear for work shower in five minutes and get ready in ten. "Oh whatever 15 and 10 are close enough." I grab my phone notebook and my bag and shove them inside. Running down the stairs I almost fall and I knocked my head against the corner wall. I get in my car and go to work.

Time skip

I get out of my car 6 hours later "uhh six hours really?" I say to myself I walk in and walk upstairs and it's almost 9:00 so I go run a bath and grab a bath bomb Megan got me. I take my makeup off and grab a face mask and a candle from downstairs and get ready for a little me-time.

My phone buzzes but I think it's just Megan so I'll text her in the morning. Once I'm done in the bath I throw on a hoodie and go to sleep.

This chapter is really long but I tend to blab so sorry hope you enjoy🥀

Word count ~713

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