First stop (part 1)

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Your POV

After partying for hours I still have to pack. So after the party ended and everyone started getting ready for the next day. I am sitting on the bed me and Megan have to share for tonight.  I finish packing by 2:46 a.m. and Megan has fell asleep on the bed and took the whole bed. I go change into a soft hoodie and soft short shorts then grab a pillow she isn't using and my new phone and my other one so I can set up my new one.

I walk downstairs and no ones in the living room so I go sit in a huge bean bag chair that is 10 times my size and lay down and start setting up my new phone.

After about fifteen minutes I finish and I just sit and watch tv. There is nothing good on so I try to fall asleep. But then I hear someone walking down the stairs I open my eyes and it's Toby. "Hey Toby" I say quietly "hi why are you out here?" "Megan took the bed after I finished packing why are you here?" "Midnight snack" "Toby I can't sleep can you stay up with me?" "Yeah sure I actually do have something to tell you" "ok go get your snack I'll be here" "ok I'll be right back" Toby walks around the corner in to the kitchen.

Tobys POV

'Cam are you awake'

'Yeah mate why?'

'(Y/n) can't sleep and she wants someone to talk to she's downstairs'

'Why downstairs and what do I say when I get there?"

"Megan took the bed so she's on the bean bag and say someone was in the bathroom up there and you had to go!'

'Ok I be down in a sec'

"Hi again" "hey Toby what did you get?" "Bagel with cream cheese" "oh cool Toby?" "Yeah (y/n)?" "How long have you known Cam?" "Well we met in school around college so  we have been friends for about 2-3 years. Why did you ask?" "Oh no reason but I have another question..." "what is it? Is it about Cam?" "Yeah... um is he single?" "Woah you like Cam?!?" "I didn't say that!!...." "but..." "I think he's really nice and cute and thoughtful and.." "Whatever you do don't start drooling And yeah he's super single" "I won't but can you not tell he please" "why not?" "Because if he knew I liked him the rest of the trip would be awkward" "ok I promise not to tell Cam"

Cams POV

Promise not to tell me what? I start to walk down the stairs and I walk to the bathroom. I wait a minute then wash my hand and walk out. "Hey guys why are you down here?" "Megan took the bed" "late night snack" "cool can I join" "Yes" "Sure"

Your POV

"So  (y/n) do you have anything you want to know about us?" Cam says after talking for a little. "Umm What was your favorite video that you posted?" "Well I love all of my videos because I spend so much time on them" "Toby what about you?" "Same as Cam but I don't spend as much time because Cam works on his videos for at least 3 hours" "woah really how long did it take you to finish the video you took the most time on?" "I'd say maybe 7 to 9 hours for like 10 minute videos but for my 1 hour of fitz takes me a couple days because I look through everything to find my favorites" "wow" I take the blanket off then get up and say "I'm going to get a water you guys want anything?" Cam says"I'll have a water please" "ok byeee" I walk with my back turned toward the kitchen and open the frigid "damn she's just stunning" Cam was talking about someone he saw on his phone. I know that because he grabbed his phone after I got up.

Cams POV

"Toby how can (y/n) be so amazing?" "Are you really looking at her Instagram?" "Yeah she just so beautiful" "bro she is literally in the next room just talk to her" "bro I can't that would be weird just walking in just to talk we have been talk for almost an hour" "really? Have you packed for tomorrow?" "Yeah why?" "I haven't I was going to tonight Umm tell (y/n) that I had to go finish packing" "ok bye mate" Toby walked upstairs right when (y/n) came back in the living room "hi" "hi Cam" she says as she sits back in her spot "how is my spot already cold I left for a couple of seconds" "is warm over here an the blankets are fluffier" "ooohh Cam can I come sit over there?" "Of course but it's getting really late and we have a flight tomorrow" "oh ok I'll just sleep over here" "no!   Well if it's cold you shouldn't sleep there" "but I'll just take up room so you won't have anywhere to sleep" "you want we to sleep down here with you?"

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