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Dear diary:

Mother looked through my last entry. She had a strange look in her eyes as she turned away.
I am puzzled at why she may be disappointed at my last entry. I had done what Mother said, had I not? I had written just as she had asked. Perhaps it was because I did not write about my past?
I'm not quite sure, but for now I shall not think about it. I think Mother may be busy with other problems, she hasn't came to see me for a while.

I'm not sure exactly how long though.

I've been in my room for a while now. I've lost track of the days, hours and even minutes. If you were with me right now you would be laughing at me, I know you would. You always said I was a scatterbrain, but if it annoyed you, you never showed it.
You would laugh with your wide boxy grin and within a matter of seconds I would find myself laughing along with you.
Your smile always fascinated me. It had the ability to light up an entire room no matter of the company it held. Perhaps that is what drew me to you in the first place, I find even myself wondering this sometimes. It is hard choosing just one way in which you made me love you. There are too many reasons to pick.
I miss you, still I hope you are happy.
I'm not sure why you left but I guess you had your reasons.

I forgive you for leaving, though I am sad sometimes, it cannot be helped I suppose.

But sometimes life isn't fair. Just smile and move on.

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