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Dear diary:

I don't know why I'm writing this.

Mother has been insistent that I keep a diary. Something about learning from past mistakes. I'm honestly not sure. I try to listen to her words but lately and more often than not, my mind seems to wander and drift apart from my own grasp. Mother's voice turns to liquid against my ears as it drips away into the distance, alike water into a well. Except I hear no end to such a well, it's just silence. Pure, blissful silence.
I see her mouth moving but no sound comes out. I often wonder if others realise how beautiful silence is. But then I realise that they cannot comprehend such an idea. I truly have no idea why they refuse to understand my words. But now people no longer seem to surprise me.

It's strange really, for try as I might I cannot seem to understand myself. My own brain turns against me at any sign of my struggle. It's laughable. I feel trapped in my own mind, but my mind is me.
Have I trapped myself, I wonder?
Am I just a prison to my own mind?

But then I realise I don't care. Life is like that sometimes you know?
Well of course you know. You told me that.
Sometimes life isn't fair, just smile and move on.
Mother tells me it will get better. The only thing I can seem to focus on nowadays is you.

I still wonder, where did you go?

Yes they're short chapters, and yes it is because I am lazy.

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