Chapter 24

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My father and I traded exasperated looks as we watched mom racing around the popup Christmas store.

It was Saturday, and my mother was dragging us around town Christmas shopping while Payton was at work.

"Oh, I can't decide! I'm torn between silver and red, silver and purple or silver and blue." My mom stood in front of us, holding a whole heap of tinsel in her hands.

"Why not all? Silver, red, purple, and blue? They all go together." I shrugged but instantly regretted the notion when mom looked at me as if I'd just mentioned something unforgivable.

"Oh no, that's too many! Two, maybe three sometimes, but no, that's too much! What's Payton's favorite color?"


"Perfect, silver, and purple then, put a little bit of her in our Christmas! They have some nice shades of purple, too, that I love!" My mom grinned as she put back all but the silver and deep purple tinsel. "What time are we picking the tree up, dear?"

"Half five." My dad lamented, pinching the bridge of his nose. Every year, they got a real tree from a local guy, and it was always so big me and dad would have to battle to get it into the house without damaging the tree.

One year, she got one so big, we had to cut the top because it was too tall for our ceiling.

Usually, I found all this a drag, but this year was different. Not just because it might be my mom's last, but seeing her so colorful and animated, it made me happy. There was also the fact we'd be spending this Christmas with Payton and her grandparents.

"Oh! What are you getting, Payton?" My mom looked at me.

My eyes went wide in horror; I hadn't even thought about that, "Uh, um..."

"Oh, good lord, you men! You're just like your father, you are. I can promise you; he'll be here Christmas Eve, last-minute buying his gifts! Hell, all through your childhood, while he claimed he brought you gifts, it was always me, because he left it far too late!"

"Hey! They may be last minute, but I have yet to hear you tell me you haven't liked a gift I've got you."

"Except our first Christmas, Derek! Oh, Reid, you should have seen it! You know what he got me?"

"Do tell." I chuckled softly.

"A blender! A fucking blender, excuse my language! I was twenty-one, and he brought me a blender for Christmas and our first Christmas! I mean seriously?"

"Woah, hey, you said you liked that blender! And you'd wanted one!" My dad defended, looking a little offended at my mother's words.

"I did like it, and yes, I wanted one, but not as a Christmas gift from my boyfriend! While all my other friends were getting cute teddies, jewelry, and cute personal gifts and I got a damn blender!"

"Well, we hadn't known each other long, Laura. I was stumped!"

I just watched on amused as they squabbled. My parents had always been like this, but not so much since she got sick, so I just stood back and enjoyed it.

"Yes, well, just don't get Payton a blender, dear." My mom laughed and patted my shoulder. "What does she like? Besides music and art?"

"She said the other day she loved Dolphins."

"Perfect! I saw this adorable Dolphin necklace in a shop down the other end of the center the other day when I went to get my ring cleaned."

"Mom, I don't have the money to buy her something like that. I already have to borrow the money from you to take her ice skating later. I need a damn job." I sighed, disappointed. I didn't have a penny to my name now. I wanted to get her something, but I couldn't afford it.

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