Chapter 12

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"So, I've been wondering, how come your grandparents live here, but you grew up in Salisbury?" I asked Payton as we sat on her black leather three seater sofa.

"They used to live in Salisbury too. They would come here on holiday, every summer since before I was born. My Nana always loved the beach, so they decided to move here two years before my parents died. My other grandparents live in Bournemouth. They're much older, though, so they couldn't take me in."

"Do you like it here?" I knew it was tough for her to settle, but now she had the two girls and me. Sure Vic and that posed some significant issues, but I would deal with that, somehow.

"It's growing on me. I still miss home, but this place isn't so bad. I do love the beach, and you know, Emma and Stacey are here, so are you." Her lips curved in a subtle, sweet smile.

"Well, I'm glad it's growing on you." I took her hand in mine. I loved the way it fit in mine, like a perfect puzzle fitting together to form something beautiful.

"I put in an application for Newquay university, and one over in St. Ives. Just in case I don't get into the couple around Salisbury, they're tough ones to get into. Plus, I wasn't overly wowed with their music programs. Their art ones are outstanding, but I figured I could always move back home after. Have you applied for any Universities?"

"A few, but I'm hoping to land a job in a studio or doing something with music. I'm not sure yet, kind of like you, I've applied, so I have the choice." I missed out on the details I'd applied for some of the same ones as her, or nearby ones.

If she did move, I wanted to have the option to go with her, if she'd let me. If I ever found a way to fix all this before she found out and concluded she hated me.

Something about the thought of her moving away, being out of my life like that unsettled me. She said we would keep in contact, but I wanted her with me, like this. Her hand in mine, he legs lazily over mine, watching TV and just chilling out.

"I still haven't decided for sure, but I guess I will when the time comes. I was thinking of becoming a session musician, and maybe book illustrating on the side or something arty anyway."

I couldn't help but look at her adoringly, and I admired her for her dreams. "There's a lot more then meets the eye with you, Kitten."

She furrowed her sweet eyebrows at me, little creases forming between them as her mouth twisted in a pout. "What do you mean?"

"Well, when I met you, you were like this stereotypical emo chick. Quiet kept to yourself, kept your head down, shy and a little awkward. But then I got to know you, and I realized you were so much more. You're strong, beautiful, smart, talented, funny, and you have a heart of gold. It's not just you physically that's beautiful, it's inside too. Sure, you have imperfections, but you're perfect, just the way you are."

"Shut up; you're making me blush." Her cheeks were no longer a soft pink, they flushed a darker pink, her hand going over her mouth as she shrank a little in the sofa.

"I like making you blush. It's adorable." I smiled, taking her hand, and pulling her to me, so she was straddling me.

"Reid, what are you doing?" She gave the cutest giggle as she spoke.

I gave her a childish, cheeky grin. "Getting a better view, TV was getting boring."

"Hmm, this is a much better view." Her arms found themselves around the back of my neck as one of her hands softly played with the hair that fell just an inch below my neckline. It sent shivers down my spine when she did that.

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