Chapter 8

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"What the hell was that about Vic?" I growled, anger bubbling over as I saw him a few feet away from the college entrance.

"Just helping things along." He spoke casually, shrugging his shoulders, unphased by my rage. "I knew you were there. I saw her coming out of that booth and you coming out a couple of minutes later. You almost let Emma have the hero moment, though..."

"Vic, if we're not fucking careful, this could all blow up! Emma and Stacey resent me because of what we did. They don't trust me, and if we don't fucking give each other a heads up before this crap, then it's going to fall apart."

"I know what I'm doing."

"Do you? That's the third time you've lashed at Payton without you telling me, and this..." I pointed to my black eye. "A heads up for that would be nice too."

"Makes it more believable if you're not expecting it." He was acting so relaxed and casual over the whole thing, and it was getting on my nerves.

"That was not the deal, Vic."

"No, the deal was, you'd get her to trust you, fall for you, hang on your every word, and when the time was right..."

"And that's what I'm trying to do! She's not an easy one to crack fuck sake!"

"Well, be quicker! It dawned on me if I wait till the end of the year, it won't matter. I overheard her telling Emma she's applying to universities away from here. Where's the fun it tearing her down and not making her suffer the aftermath of the humiliation, or being able to enjoy it?"

My heart stopped for a split second. Payton never told me she'd started applying for university, let alone one's away from here. The thought pissed me off for some reason I couldn't work out, but I pushed it to one side as my eyes met Vic's darkened ones. "So what?"

"I want to see her suffer. I've moved up deadline, have her where we want her by the end of spring term, you still got six months or so. If you fail, it will be your life I make hell, as well as hers. I may have to tell mommy about who her son is."

The suppressed rage overcame me like a giant wave as I grabbed him by the collar and threw him against the wall. "Do you dare bring my mother into this, I'll kill you."

Vic chuckled darkly, utterly unphased by my act of anger. "No you won't, you'll put me down, be a good boy and do as you told. I know you're struggling with the acting, and you know full well if it were for real, with your poor mother on death's door, you'd never survive."

He was right, that's why I was doing this because I wouldn't survive. Just acting like I was down on the bottom once again was a strain enough. Seeing the way people looked at me like I was some freak, seeing the looks they gave Payton, Emma, and Stacey, the way they got pushed and shoved. My mother would be gone soon, and I couldn't do it.

It was horrible and selfish of me, but I was learning Payton was far mightier than I could ever be. She didn't deserve it, but she'd find a way to be okay in the end, unlike me.

I let him go and backed off. "You'll get your wish."

"Good boy, now make it happen, or else." And with that, he stormed off.

"Please forgive me, Payton," I whispered to myself before heading to my car.


I turned my eyes to Payton, who was sat noiselessly in the front seat of my car, although I didn't look at her fully. I couldn't stand to look at her right now, not knowing I was forsaking her to save myself.

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