Chapter 6

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"So, is she buying it?"

It was Tuesday, only Liam had classes on Tuesday, and Vic asked me to stop in at his after I'd dropped my mom home from a hospital appointment.

"I think so, I don't think she's fully convinced, but she's getting there. Sucks you're making me go solo, though. It's been years since I performed solo."

"Well, why not ask her to help you? Team up together, distance her from Emma and her lackie, draw her closer to you." Tom suggested carelessly.

It wasn't a bad idea, really, but equally, I didn't want to tear her away from Emma and Stacey. She was going to need them when all of this came to an end. Despite everything and knowing what I had to do, I didn't want her to be alone.

"She already agreed to team up with them for the major project."

"Do the smaller ones with her then. And for your big solo one, make it a soppy love song that you dedicate to her." Vic smirked proudly at his idea.

"Make it subtle, as long as she knows, no one else has too. You have a way with words and lyrics, hidden meanings, and all. Just put a line in there, something only she'd know."

"Tom's right." Vic nodded slowly. "When are you seeing her next?"

"Might see if she wants coffee after work again." I shrugged cooly. It was seemingly the best time to catch her away from people getting in the way.

"Do it. It could be like your little 'date' thing. Coffee after work, just the two of you, progress to dinner eventually."

"Done. I'm going to head home. I got to take mom to pick up her meds and some other bits."

"Laters." Vic stuck up his middle finger. I just rolled my eyes and left.


"When are you going to bring a pretty girl home for me to meet?" My mother asked out of the blue as we sat in deck chairs on the beach.

We'd gone to pick up her medication and some groceries before she decided she fancied some time on the beach. "You haven't had a girlfriend since-"

"Don't even say her name, mother." I shot her a look. I knew who she meant, my ex, she was another reason I was an asshole.

She cheated on me while I'd been away for the week with my parents during my year gap from school. It turned out it had been going on for a while, and I was blind to it.

I did everything for her, I treated her like a princess, and she fucked another guy behind my back. She was also another reason I agreed to the dare. I wanted to hurt a woman the way a woman had hurt me.

"Sorry,'re such a good looking boy and so lovely. I don't understand why you don't have girls falling at your feet."

"Oh, I do." I chuckled, "Just not the right ones."

"Well, I'm sure the right one will eventually. Do you know what's funny? I hated your father when we first met."

I looked at her, raising an eyebrow. "You never told me that."

"Eh, old news. I know he's a stubborn ass sometimes, but I love him more than anything, besides you of course. You'll find your lady. I just hope I get to meet her before..."

"Mom don't...please," I begged, I couldn't take any more of her telling me she was going to die. I'd heard it enough at the doctors today as they told us there was still no match.

The Dare, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now