Chapter 23

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I reluctantly pulled my lips away from Reid's. He'd said things like that to me before, but this time, it felt so much different. I didn't know if it was because my emotions were already running high, or if it's because there were no secrets between us. However, he had me on the verge of tears, happy ones this time.

He didn't just tell me I was beautiful. He took all the things I hated about myself and made them positive. I had to kiss him; otherwise, I was going to end up bawling like a baby. No one had ever spoken about me that way before, and the way he said it all, the look on his face. I'd never felt so warm inside. After that, I could never doubt he loved me, even if there was trust to repair.

"You okay, Kitten?" He brushed a strand of hair that fell in front of my face. His fingers gently brushed my cheeks as he tucked it behind my ear.

I nodded, "Yeah. I love you."

"I love you, Kitten."

"You always know how to make me feel better, how you do that?"

He shrugged, tilting his head to the side a little, "I say what's true, baby. I meant every word of it, and I love seeing that smile on your face. So if there's ever a time that smile runs away, I'm going to bring it right back."

"How'd I get so lucky?" I sighed, feeling content.

Reid chuckled, shaking his head, "You're not the lucky one, I am. Any other woman would have left me long ago. Never would have given me another chance to try and put things right."

"Just as well as I'm not like other women then, huh?"

"And for that, I'm beyond thankful." He pressed his lips softly against mine.

"Payton!" My grandpa's voice calling up the stairs made us both jump.

I attempted to clamber off Reid's lap, but I was too panicked and almost fell off the bed in the process as my heart began to race.

"Shit baby, you okay?" Reid laughed, far too amused as my clumsiness.

Thankfully he'd had a hold of my waist, so I was half on the bed, halfway dangling off. My fingertips just about touching the carpet of my bedroom floor.

"Yeah." I joined the laugh until I could hear grandpa's footsteps get closer to the door. I tried to get up, but I didn't have enough strength in my core to pull myself up, "I'm stuck!"

"Oh, good lord, I'm going to get shot! Look here, give me your hand." I reached my hand up, my other hand on the floor trying to hold myself up. With one swift movement, he pulled me back up, which enabled me to get off his lap and sit next to him.

"What are you two doing?" My grandpa walked in and eyed us suspiciously.

"Just messing around, what's up grandpa?"

"Ernie's just been taken into hospital, so your Nana and I are going to pop and check in on him. His wife can't get back from visiting their son until morning. Can we trust you two alone?"

I rolled my eyes, "Yes, grandpa. We're just watching TV and fooling around. We'll be fine."

Grandpa raised his eyebrow, "Yeah, well, famous last words. You told us that before, remember?"

"Seriously grandpa, go see Ernie. What happened to him?"

"Heart attack, not a major one thankfully. They need to keep him in for the next day or so to monitor him. Going to fetch him some overnight stuff and keep him company a little, we'll be an hour, two at the most."

The Dare, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now