Chapter 13

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"Hey." I smiled widely at Reid as I found him at his locker.

I still didn't quite understand why he didn't feel like he deserved me. He'd been so loving and sweet at that moment, and tears pooled in my eyes from his words.

No one had ever been as sweet to me as he was, and it was a little overwhelming. I guess he had his struggles like I did mine. After all, I felt the same way, only that I didn't deserve him rather than the other way around.

"Hey." His tone made me flinch and recoil. It was blunt, and he never greeted me with just a 'hey' before. It was always hey beautiful, or morning Kitten, something was up, and it made me anxious.

"What's wrong? Is it your mom?" I asked, concerned.

"No, she's fine, it's nothing. Just tired, I got to get to class. I'll talk to you later." He shut his locker door with a firm whack, giving me a quick peck on the cheek before dashing off.

I stared after him as he stormed away, everything about him seeming on edge and tense, and my chest hurt a little. How could he change his tune like that? Last night he'd said all those things, and now, he was acting distant.

"Hey, chick...what was that about?" Stacey asked, bouncing over in her usual happy way.

"Rough night for him. Let's get to class." I sighed, quickly grabbing my books and heading off to class, deciding it was better to let him be for now.


"Payton, hold up." Reid's voice called as we made our way through the parking lot to Emma's car. "Can I talk to you a private?"

Emma and Stacey stood there, arms folded across their chest. If looks could kill, Reid would be buried six feet under right now.

All week he'd given me the same treatment as he had Monday, cold and distant. More than once, I'd found myself in my bed, crying and confused.

He hadn't even responded to my text messages I'd sent him all week. It felt like I'd had a knife slicing through my heart every time he ignored me or gave me a blunt hello and peck on the cheek. He'd not even kissed me since, not properly, or sincerely.

I couldn't help but wonder if he was reconsidering things between us. I could see it as clear as day when he was talking Sunday something was bothering him. Something had him scared he was going to lose me or was going to ruin things, but what was he so scared of?

I sighed softly and nodded, "I'll be back in a minute."

I followed Reid off to a quiet corner just off the lot. Away from the hustle of students either getting ready to leave or getting prepared for their next class. "I'm sorry if I've been a dick this week..."

"What the hell is going on, Reid? Why can't you tell me? I don't understand." I looked up at him, silently imploring him to talk to me.

"I will tell you, I swear. Will your grandparents be home tomorrow after work?"

"No, a friend over in Truro has to be moved into full-time care. They're spending the weekend with her, to help her pack and get her settled in as she has no family there."

"I'll pick you up from work, we'll go back to yours, and I swear, I'll tell you everything okay?" His eyes were wide, scared. I could see the fear behind them, but I didn't understand why.

"Why not now?" I urged.

"I gotta take mom to a hospital appointment, and dad is stuck in meetings. Tomorrow, after work, I promise, Kitten." He gently brushed his fingers over my cheek, my skin warming under the soft, gentle touch. "I'll tell you everything I swear, every single damn detail."

The Dare, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now