Chapter 17: The Eye

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Rome, Italy. Year 2108.

A nasoni, big nose-fountain in Italian, is enticing the mouth of every tourist because of Rome's uncomfortably hot weather. The gelatos, frozen desserts popular in Italy, are drawing attention from some restaurants along Piazza della Rotonda.

A Terrafugia TF-X8 Turbo parks along Salita dei Crescenzi which is walking distance on the way to The Pantheon. Four ladies, wearing casual attires and Mainbot SmartEyeGlasses, gets out of the car.

"Let's walk towards 'the temple of all the gods' from here.", suggested by Zuri to her friends.
"Sure! Cremeria Monteforte is just around the corner. How about some gelatos first?", answered by Olivia.

Their wearables triggered the automatic placing of orders. Each gelatos are tailored according to their food profiles.

"Our orders are ready for pick-up. Seats are also reserved just in case we want to be seated.", added by Sofia.
"We still have enough bitcoins to watch a musical at Opera da Camera di Roma.", exclaimed by Emma.

Italy is the home of 52 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, the most in the world. It retained the culture and architectures amidst the rapid technology revolution. During this time of the year, tourists are coming from different parts of the world and clergymen are conducting their conventions in Rome.

A Delorean DR-10 Eclipse parks along Piazza della Minerva which is close to Rome's smallest obelisk – Elephant and Obelisk. A man wearing black t-shirt gets out of the car. The t-shirt transitioned from black to white color after detecting the outside temperature.

"Google, show me places where I can find Bolognese dogs.", commanded by Matteo to Google assistant.
"I have found two pet shops near The Pantheon. Do you want me to navigate you to the locations?", answered by Google assistant.

Matteo didn't respond. Instead, he walks towards The Pantheon.

Tourists are already crowding in front of The Pantheon. Some are on their hoverboards while others opted to walk.

"If you stand right at the center of The Pantheon at exactly 3 PM then scans where the oculus light beams, you will discover your significant other standing there.", stated by Olivia to the group.
"And where did you get that information, Olivia?", grinned by Emma.
"Someone close to my heart. There's nothing wrong in trying!", answered by Olivia.
"A significant other is not determined by coincidences. It is still our freedom of choice who we want to spend our lifetime with.", exclaimed by Zuri.
"Exactly!", added by Sofia.

The group went inside the architecture. They were amazed on how it was well-preserved since the Roman Empire. Zuri inadvertently found herself standing at the center of The Pantheon. It was 2:59 PM.

"What if Olivia was right?", whispered by Zuri while checking the trajectory of oculus light beam.

Her heart raced when she saw a brightly lit man wearing white t-shirt. It was 3 PM.

All stars aligned. Rome's Grande Fratello is witnessing two souls colliding.

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