Chapter 14: The Ambush

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Orion Arm, Milky Way. Year 2118.

The hatch door of A5BC-004 closed. Lucas, Bella, and Gabriel were befuddled.

"She is just a capsule away. There is nothing that we can do now. We can always communicate with her until we reach the final destination.", explained by Lucas to his wife and son.

Bella and Gabriel gazed through the fiberglass window. All they saw from afar is the back of their brightest star, Zuri.

The hatch door of A5BC-003 opened. Xin Family is waiting for Zuri to come inside.

"Let's go. Our capsule will get off in a few.", commanded by Fei.

Zuri quietly went inside and grabbed a seat near Lin.

"We were programmed to become superintelligent robots but we do not have emotions like humans do. I can lie and say to you that "I feel you, Zuri!" but I would rather not.", communicated by Lin to Zuri.
"I appreciate it, Lin.", responded by Zuri.

It was the 8-year old Lin whom Zuri had the closest connection among the Xin Family members. They are the perfect definition of humans-to-robots co-existence.

"Remember the time when I told you about the story of the greatest Asian prizefighter of all-time?", asked by Lin.
"Yes! We were on Mars Exploration Program (MEP) training then.", answered by Zuri while fastening her seat belt.
"Manny Pacquiao said that "Life is meant to be a challenge because challenges are what make you grow.", explained by Lin.
"We are on one right now.", he quibbled.

Zuri noticed a sticker above Fei's control panel – "In space, no one can hear you scream.".

"Fei, is that the tagline of Alien movie from 1979?", asked by Zuri.
"Checking database. You know your history. You're correct!", answered by Fei.
"Sound needs a medium to propagate (usually air for our purposes on earth), and space in general has no medium.", he continued.

Five out of ten space capsules already turned into small debris without getting noticed by A5BC-003 passengers. The tagline is pretty accurate.

"Your space capsule's receiver is not responding. We are under attack! SOS. -Lucas", scrolls in Zuri's wearable. She is restless.
"Fei, are we getting incoming messages from other capsules?!", exclaimed by Zuri.

Fei did not respond as if hearing no sounds at all. He just kept on maneuvering A5BC-003 to the void.

"Fei, navigate closer to A5BC-004! My family is in danger!", shouted by Zuri.

Fei's and Feng's Artificial Superintelligence is either disabled or controlled by someone else. Both robots are rigidly fixed.

Zuri manually overrides the message controller. Incoming public messages from multiple space capsules went in.

"Radar is displaying eight unknown objects stealthily maneuvering. Direct the thrusters to close stopovers. Signing off.", sent message from A5BC-001 space capsule which is housing Popov Family.
"Everything stopped functioning. We are freezing cold. We need help!", sent message from A5BC-007 space capsule which is housing Williams Family.
"A red beam coming from an unknown object hit us. Change routes. Take care everyone!", sent message from A5BC-010 space capsule which is housing Yilmaz Family.
"Multiple space crafts fighting. We are caught in the middle of their conflict. Hope we survive.", sent message from A5BC-008 space capsule which is housing Nakamura Family.
"We are under attack! If we don't survive, remember that we love you, Zuri. SOS.", sent message from A5BC-004 space capsule which is housing Laurent Family.

Zuri was unable to override the joystick controller because it is literally locked to Fei's left hand. Fei is then being controlled by another medium that no one identifies. All that she can do at the moment is to contact A5BC-004 space capsule.

"Papa! Mama! Gabby! Answer me!", cried by Zuri in front of the plasma dual display.
"Give it some time. Signal might have been lost.", stated by Lin.

The console is just showing animated orbit on NASA's logo with "Connection in progress..." wordings below it.

"Zuri?", muffled by a weak voice.
"Papa! Where's mama and Gabby?", exclaimed by Zuri.

The console is now displaying a blurred 3D hologram of a familiar face from A5BC-004 space capsule.

"Listen. I don't have much time left. Drift away from our coordinates and survive the ambush. We are caught in the middle of a war.", begged by the familiar face, Lucas.

The femtosecond lasers formed images of Bella and Gabby lifelessly floating inside A5BC-004. They are wiped out. The holographic view then shifted to Lucas' decapitated right leg.

"Don't leave me, papa! I love you.", cried by Zuri.

The hologram turned fiery red and then the console turned pitch black.

Lin recorded everything.

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