Chapter 7: The Return

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Lombardy, Italy. Year 2113.

Matteo is at the comfort of his modern home when a news flash on a 65-inch display sitting flat and sturdy on the wall – "The Big Wave drowned approximately 1,000,000 people in Asia. Apocalypse is coming." It was one of the darkest time in human history after The Holocaust.

There were conspiracies that Russia detonated their underwater atomic bombs in Indian and Pacific Oceans that resulted to multiple tidal waves in Asia. This is to start their world domination by removing Asian countries from the map. Religious groups believe that it is a sign of The Second Coming of Jesus Christ and advise everyone to repent from their sins and ask for forgiveness. Environmentalists are certain that it is caused by climate change and Mother Nature is just giving back what humans truly deserve.

The 31-year old Matteo had been a politician, clergyman, and eco-warrior on Earth. He fully lived his life as a human and not as Ol'H who enjoyed advanced technologies from his planet.

"Whatever happened was triggered by us. Nothing to blame here but ourselves. I have already served my purpose. It is time to go back.", whispered by Matteo.

He operated a mechanical music box then left it playing on repeat mode in his room. A blue portal opened. He walks through it while containing his emotions. The portal disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Meanwhile, Persephone's Control Center is intercepting signal from Earth while Earth's NASA is sending signal to Mars.

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