Chapter 27

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It's my day off today but I don't have any plans on going outside today because of what happened yesterday. It's because of Taehyung's article with his 'ex-girlfriend' keeps spreading online with my picture on it. I didn't know how the fans found out about it. After their interview yesterday, my photos on the concerts and some old photos with Taehyung from college were all uploaded and it shocked everyone especially me. The company called me many times but I didn't answer because I know exactly what they would tell me to do. I'm done being that person anymore, I won't let anyone decide what's good and bad for myself... that is one thing I learned from the past.

Speaking of, my phone starts ringing which made Mintae groan in frustration. She stayed the night here.

"Are you gonna pick that up or I will?" She ask in frustration.

I rolled my eyes to her and ended the call.

"You really are gonna ignore that? What if it's something important? What if it's not just for Taehyung but for all the other members too? Do you really want to get them involved?"

My brows furrowed at her words, it caught my attention. At the mention of the other members, my heart soften... this is not just about Taehyung and I... it's about them too.

Another ringing and it leave me no choice, I pick it up even if it's against my will. Mintae just grinned at her victory.

"Hello? Thank God you picked up! This is Bangtan's manager, am I talking to Miss Yoona?" The man asked.

I went outside before speaking, afraid that Mintae would eavesdrop the conversation.

"Yes. Speaking." I answer and I hear him sigh.

"We have to meet, Now!"

"W-what? Why?"

"You have to sign a contract"

A contract for what? To become an Idol?

"Hell no. I am not going to be an Idol." I freaked out. This made me boil my blood, do they really need to go this far just to cover up my identity? Really? So that the girl that Taehyung is talking about is not just an ordinary girl but a girl in his level?

I stopped when I heard people chuckling on the phone, woah am I in a loud a speaker???

"Miss Yoona, I was talking about a different contract." He stated.

I went to their company right after the embarrassing phone call I had with their manager, they were actually talking about a contract that no matter what happens.. I will never ever confirm a thing about Taehyung and I, do an interview, public speaking, or talk about our past to other people. In return, they would protect me from all those shits against me.

Bang PD casually invited me to his office to talk to me privately after the signing.

"I hope you're okay, I heard a lot about you from the boys I am sorry you are dragged to their world." He said his hands clasp together above his table

"It's okay, I haven't read the article yet.. I just don't want to read any negative comments about me without them knowing who I really am." I respond honestly and he nodded.

"That's right, stay away from reading those hateful comments.. that's what I always told the boys. Actually, the reason why I want to talk to you privately is..." he paused for a moment.

"Whatever your past is with Taehyung, I hope this will not affect him in the future.. I don't want him to end up like what he is 2 years ago, which is your break up."

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