Chapter 18

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After graduation, I moved to Seoul and started all over again.

During graduation I manage to smile in front of my family eventhough I'm dying inside. I watched Taehyung hugging his family who attended the special occasion.

It's a bit awkward when both our families greeted each other, I didn't have a choice but to congratulate him and he did the same. And that is the very last time I ever saw him.

2 years have past already, and I never imagined that I would have a stable job here in seoul, I decided to forget about teaching eventhough God knows how much I love doing it, it's just that because of that profession... I lost the man I love. It sucks sometimes being here because when you walk around Seoul you'll have to see lots of posters, advertisements and other photos of Taehyung and his friends. It means I have to look at my ex everyday while going to work.

It's sad because I promised to stay by his side until they get their names printed on peoples mind and all over Seoul, but I am always glad that he made it because I am always positive that he was born to be an idol.

Do I miss him? Ofcourse.

Do I still think about him? A lot.

But never ever have I listened to their songs, I have never tried things that will remind me of my dark and awful past with him.

He never tried to contact me eversince we broke up, he let his pride rule over him instead of having me back and that's what I am mad about until today. He never apologized neither did I, he never make a way to fix things eventhough he said he loved me. I guess we were still young and naive back then and now he realised that I am not worthy of his love at all.

"Yoona guess what!" My officemate, Min tae excitedly came to me. She landed two concert tickets in my table with a huge smile plastered on her face.

I look at her with narrow eyebrows, and glance at the ticket only to see that it's a "BTS concert?!" I raised my voice and she covered my mouth in an istand to shuss me up. And let go once she made sure that I am calmed down. "Are you fucking kidding me?" I asked with raised eyebrows.

She knew my past, but before that, she's already a fan of bts. She never believed me back then until I showed her my pictures with Taehyung. It's cringy having a friend who fangirls over my ex's group members, actually it's her first time getting a ticket for their concert but never ever in my wildest dream that I will attend those.

"Just this once please? Amd I promise it's the last" she pleaded.

"Still a NO" and I went back to work, see? You will never ever force me to watch them live!

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