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Mood: Unsure, Distant


You opened your eyes from your recent slumber, the sunlight shining through the window above your head and hitting your eyes. It took you a moment to realize where you were, used to waking up in a room covered with impenetrable concrete. You didn't realize how much you missed the feeling of the sun on your skin. As the saying goes, you never know what you've got until it's gone.

You turned over on your side and your eyes met the blank canvas of your bed. Your thoughts went back to last night, and you could feel your features contort into something of frustration. Setting a new determination for yourself, you flipped the covers off of you before getting up to take a shower. You felt disgusting.

After your pleasantly warm shower, you went out into the kitchen to grab some breakfast before you went to the station, as Charles had promised he'd let you do. You usually just grabbed an apple or a granola bar for breakfast. Your "flexible" schedule, for lack of a better word, kept you on your toes and away from a full breakfast buffet.

But as you were getting closer to the kitchen, your senses were filled with a warm, pleasant smell. On your tiny dining table was a full arrangement of food. Scrambled eggs, pancakes, hash-browns, sausages and bacon - the whole sha-bang. And in front of the food laid a note written neatly with a black pen.

Good morning.

I made you some breakfast to start out your day. I hope you enjoy. I haven't cooked for someone in a while.

Anyways, I hope that you have a great day today. And I'm sorry about last night. I'm so upset at myself for hurting you, and I hope that you can forgive me.

In case you'd like to reach me, my phone number is written below. Please at least put it in your phone so you know who I am if I call you.

XO, Charles

You really wanted to throw the paper in the garbage, but just as usual, being without him felt foreign. You listed the number in your phone and stuffed he device in your back pocket.

You were going to head out the door, but the delicious looking meal in your kitchen was calling your name. You didn't want to make Charles feel good about you eating his cooking, but he wasn't here. So, he wouldn't know, right?

You quickly grabbed a plastic fork from your drawer and took a bite of the scrambled eggs. The sensation of cheese and pepper washed over your senses, the warmth of the eggs pleasing as well. You took a couple more bites of the food here and there, but refrained from eating all of it. You usually got sick if you ate too much right after you woke up.

Satisfied with your small meal, you walked out and locked the door behind you - leaving the food to grow cold in the darkness of your unlit home.


You reached up to the cabinet, grabbing your '#1 COP' mug. It was a welcome feeling to be back at the station again, but you felt slightly paranoid.

What had the others thought about your disappearance? Would they ask about where you were? Were they looking for you that whole time you were gone? What would they say?

You tried your best to ignore your thoughts as you brewed yourself some coffee. You looked around the green room, feeling uneasy.

Where was Matt? He was always there early in the morning, and it shocked you to see that he didn't seem to be around. He was always wondering where you were, so where was he?


You turned around to see Commander Johnson standing there, a look of relief on his face.

"Johnson?" You asked, worried about his condition. He was an older man, and seeing him pouring with sweat was a little disconcerting. His hair was matted to his head and his face was beat red.

"Are you okay?" He asked, the bags under his eyes prominent. Alarmed, you left your coffeemaker's side.

"What? Of course I'm okay. What's going on? Why do you look like this?" You questioned. What had happened to him?

He put his hand behind his head, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Ah, things here have been hectic. We've been looking for you ever since you left, and it was hard to work with just the rookies. So, I've had to do the majority of the work. This old man isn't cut out for it anymore." He chuckled.

Only rookies?

"What do you mean only rookies?" Maybe the work load was getting to him, or it may just have been his age. How could he have forgotten?

But instead of correcting himself, he solemnly looked to the floor. Your heart got caught in your throat.

"Chief." You began sternly, "Where's Matt?"

"Fired." The Commander said, a slight relief washing over you. He wasn't dead, so it lifted a sudden weight off of you shoulders. But it did create more questions rather than answers.

"What happened?" Johnson shrug with disappointment.

"He was hacking into databases that were way above his clearance. It shocked me too, but it was a federal offense. He's lucky that he wasn't put in prison. Fortunately, he doesn't have a record other than that." He explained.

"What? He would never do something like that." Although he was incredibly smart, he never abused it. He was humble. Johnson must have been wrong.

"I'm just telling you what happened, kid. I saw it with my own eyes. I wouldn't have fired him otherwise."

Johnson walked away from the room to complete his other duties. He was just as upset, but he had work to do.

You stared down at the floor. Would you have to work with someone else? You couldn't do this without Matt.

You were going to tell him everything that had happened, and you were sure that he would have helped you. But now, with everything stripped from him, what was the point of calling him? Now who would have your back?

The coffee pot sounded, telling you that the brewing was complete. But you didn't move from your spot.

Who would drink coffee with you now?

Deep Desire (Yandere! Gang Leader x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon