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Mood: Shocked, Fearful


You yelled out the command early enough for all of the officers around to duck behind several large boxes themselves before the men above on the second floor began to fire. Your mind searched for a possible way to get out of this situation, but it was to no avail. The sound of bullets hitting the other side of your crate put you on high alert. No matter how much training someone went through, it could never prepare them for the real thing.

Your thoughts were interrupted as you felt another body collide harshly with yours, causing you to turn towards the source. Before you could attack them in attempts to defend yourself, your mind registered that it was Matt, a gun in hand and sweat on his brow.

"(Y/n). Oh my God. You were right. You were so right-"

"Now's not the time, Dixon!" You yelled, ducking your head down more as you heard more gunshots coming from around the building. They were moving, but you couldn't see where. You knew for sure that the man that was once pointing a gun at you from before was firing at your position without faltering. Because of this, you had to stay stationary.

"Has anyone gotten hurt?" You asked, trying to ignore the loud sounds of yelling coming from some of your squad members. Matt pulled out the magazine in his gun and checked to see the amount of ammo he had before inserting the item back into the weapon.

"There were some grazes, but nothing serious. We could run out of here, but then we would have to deal with the bullets on the way to the exit, and the chance of there being more outside is too risky." He explained, holding the gun up adjacent to his head.

"So, what's the plan?" You asked, wiping the sweat off of your forehead. He nervously looked over at you.

"..I don't know." He replied honestly. You stared at each other for moment, until an idea came up in your head. You reached towards the clip on your belt, and pulled the unused gun off of it. You took a deep breath before looking at Matt, a glimmer in your eyes.

He knew what that look meant.

"...What are you thinking, (Y/n)?" He asked, horrified to know the answer.

"I need you to cover me." You replied. Knowing that he was going to need it more than you did, you handed him your gun. He only had six bullets in his, so you figured that he could use six more to his advantage. Matt was usually precise anyhow, unlike you. You were a more hand-to-hand combat oriented person.

You could see the fear develop in his eyes as he realized your intentions, but took your weapon nonetheless. He checked the magazine in your gun before putting it back in and cocking it. It was a habit for him to check, to say the least.

Now, holding up two guns, you could see a slight smile grow on his face.

"I'll always be watching your back."

You smiled at him before nodding. This fight was going to keep going on until everyone was dead, so something had to be done. Now.

You stood up, careful to not let your head show from the other side. You took a deep breathe before looking around at your possible options. You were going to attempt to make a run for one of the staircases across the floor, but it was risky. There were about ten to twenty guys on the top floor, and who knew how many were outside just waiting for the cue to pop in.

Taking the remaining courage left inside of you, you quickly ran out from the protection of the crate, the staircase in sight.

Around you, you could hear commands from your fellow officers. Among them, you heard Commander Johnson's voice demand that they begin to cover you.

You didn't look around you to see what was going on, as you could hear all of it. You could practically feel the bullets scrape against the floor, inches away from your figure. You just kept your eyes on the prize. This was something that had to be done.

After what felt like hours, you made it to the railing of the staircase, but you didn't stop there. You used the handles to your advantage, swinging yourself out of the way of an oncoming bullet. Shaking off the close encounter, you ran up the steps, taking several on at a time before reaching the second floor.

You ran at one of the men shooting at a fellow officer, using all of your strength to push him up and over the edge of the railing. This action caused him to collide with the floor head first, killing him immediately with the snap of his neck.

You didn't take anytime to look at his dead body, as two other men saw your action. They pointed their weapons at you, making you jump on the other side of the railing, holding on desperately to the bars supporting it. This allowed your body to dangle off of the walkway, in which your partner noticed immediately. He took the opportunity to shoot at the two men, effectively hitting them in a vital area. You used the adrenaline still in your system to pull yourself back up. Although you didn't feel as if your injury was in pain, you knew that it would be once the endorphin's wore off.

You reset your focus, the blocked path before now clear. You began to walk towards another man who was currently shooting at those below until your peripheral vision caught sight of a large attacker running towards you, a knife in hand.

You concentrated for a moment as you ran, pumping yourself up for the hand combat you were about to get involved in. It may be a dangerous game, but this was your favorite rarity. The only problem was that this guy was big, so there was not going to be an option to throw him off of the second floor. And the two of you would be too close for the officers below to shoot at you.

The man stayed silent as he tried to swipe his knife against your skin, but you effectively dodged it with the small movement of your body. You continued to let him attempt to assault you with the object, remembering that you could only go back so far until your balance would be knocked off by the staircase below.

Taking this into consideration, you followed the man's arm as he swung, catching it in the process. Stunned, he looked at you, dumbfounded for a moment. You took this weak moment to turn him around, his back now to the stairs several feet away from him.

Using all of your training, you began to throw punches at him. You made sure to add several kicks to your attack as well. Each blow caused him to move back some, but he didn't seem to recognize how close he was to the edge of the walkway.

Sure enough, with one last, strong kick, the assailant lost his balance ,causing him to tumble down the steps. And before he could get up and enact revenge, the police academy crew had already shot him.

"(Y/n), look out!"

Upon hearing Matt's warning, you turned around only to be greeted with the barrel of a pistol. The man holding the weapon looked at you with curiosity. His grey eyes gleamed in the false, dim lighting of the warehouse as he cocked his head to the side with curiosity.

The gunfire had stopped. The men on the second floor had trailed you down, and now formed a tight circle around you and the guy that held the gun. If any of the cops fired, he would surely kill you.

The interested looking man before you didn't say a word, but he pulled his gun away from you slowly, holding it at his side. Although you were happy that he had released the threat of a gun, this did nothing to calm your nerves. What was he going to do? He obviously wasn't going to let you walk away from this.

Before you could think of an answer, the man took the butt of the gun and rammed it against your temple, effectively making you fall to the ground.

You attempted to get up and fight back, but upon seeing stars in your vision and feeling your body weaken, you knew that you didn't have much of a choice. The pressure on your head began to swell, causing your body to slowly give up and lose it's consciousness against your will.

Deep Desire (Yandere! Gang Leader x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now