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Mood: Curious, Shocked


"I don't understand it.." You mumbled to yourself as you continued your next rep of sit up's on your bedroom floor, "I'm just an unnecessary addition to this place. It would've been better for him to kill me-"

"I'm coming in." Enrique's voice announced from the other side. You sat up, stretching your arms and wiping the sweat off of your brow.

"You can come in. Not like I have much of a choice anyways." You commented, the door to your room opening slightly as you fixed your ponytail.

The short, Hispanic man from before came into the room, a plate of food in hands.

"Chief requested that I bring you your dinner." He explained. You nodded, walking over to the edge of your bed and leaning on it slightly to rest your aching legs.

"Cause he's afraid that I'll do something if I get out. Smart." You took the food from him, the warmth of the decadents inciting your senses. You quickly dug in, not caring about Enrique's curious, stern face. Honestly, if they thought that you didn't know how gangs worked, they were foolishly wrong. You may have been a cop for only months now, but your training developed way before that time.

You were seven when your dad was killed in the line of duty as he worked overseas, which broke the heart of your mother. She was such a frail and kindhearted person, and it pained you to see her so upset. But his death only sparked your love for the fighter's of America. Since that point, you had solely focused on getting fit and strong. You did vigorous training on your own, but there was nothing that could have prepared you to become an officer without working on the job first.

You didn't want to become a soldier, as the memory still hurt a little when you thought of him. Regardless, you wanted to live up to your father's legacy. He was a wonderful man. Although you couldn't remember much about him, your mother always told you stories about the things that he did with you when you were little.

Hopefully, your mother would have comfort in knowing that you were still in the country. But this wasn't Massachusetts anymore. You were sure that your mother missed you, and you could only hope that you could see her smiling, wrinkled face again.

"I understand this organization more than you think. I actually studied for my job. I have a bachelor's in Criminal Justice, so while I've never been in this situation before, I can assure you that I'm well educated in the subject, Enrique." You said, taking another bite of runny, bland mashed potatoes that were piping hot. Enrique chuckled.

"You sure are confident for some one in such a compromising position." He reminded. You shrugged at his comment, not glancing his way as he stared at you with curiosity.

"Seems like someone else has some education as well. Wonder what made you turn to this place?" You teased, giving him a mocking smirk. He rolled his eyes at your attitude. He wanted to put you in your place, but his boss had directly told him that no harm should ever come to you.

"So, Enrique, why am I here?" You asked, knowing that you made him vulnerable by cracking his shell. He crossed his arms, thinking about the answer himself.

".. That's not anything for you to worry about." He explained harshly. You only laughed.

"So, you don't know either. Pal, I have a minor in Criminal Psychology as well. Things don't usually slip past my ears." You elucidated, a smirk on your face as you continued to eat.

"You should start watching what you say." Enrique threatened, walking up to you as he loomed over your form, "That mouth of yours could get you into a lot of trouble."

Deep Desire (Yandere! Gang Leader x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now