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Mood: Defensive, Irritated


A few days have passed since you were shot, and you were making a very speedy recovery. You weren't all the way back to your old self yet, but you were getting there.

When you awoke from surgery several days ago, Matt was standing next to your bed, his arms folded with a scowl on his face. He then explained how worried he was, and how you should have been more careful, etc. Truthfully, his words fell onto deaf ears. You had fallen asleep during his lecture, but he didn't seem to notice when you did.

Though, when you woke up this time, there was no one in the room with you. It was a welcome moment of peace that allowed you to think.

For the past few days, you had some visitors from the police department, but not really from anybody else. Your mom called, asking if you were okay. Of course, you quickly brushed her off and explained that it was nothing for her to worry about. After all, she had her retirement to enjoy.

But, even though they had told you the outcome of your decisions, you wondered how Camille was doing. She must have been pretty shaken up after she was retrieved. You had also heard that Ivan had been charged with two counts of attempted murder, and once count of assaulting an officer to the first degree in the state of Pennsylvania. He was going to be in prison for a long time, which eased your conscience.

A nurse knocked on the open door to your room, pulling you out of your thoughts. The short, red-haired woman smiled politely.

"You have some visitors." She said. Once she saw you nod your head to show that you heard her, she walked off.

You soon heard two voices that were quietly yelling at one another through the hallways of the hospital. You didn't quite recognize the tone's of these people, so you convinced yourself that these two were visiting someone else.

Though, you were pleasantly surprised when the a figure walked into your room. The person that came in was a raven-haired woman, whom you immediately recognized.

"Ms. Richmond-"

You attempted to get up to situate yourself as you spoke, but you ended up agitating your wound in the process. You let out a grunt in pain, causing the woman's once smiling face to fall as she came to your side, putting her bouquet of flowers on the bed once she sat down on her knees beside you.

"A-Are you alright?' She asked, holding her hand out to you to attempt to help - even though she had no idea how. Before you could assure her that you were fine, a male voice came from across the room and answered her question.

"Of course she's not."

You stared at the source of the masculine voice, now seeing the man that had entered into the room shortly after the female next to you without your knowledge. He was tall and slightly built, but lean nonetheless. His black hair matched that of Camille's, but his electric grey eyes contrasted immensely from her brown ones. He wore very bland, black clothing, which seemed to blend into dim environment around you. He stood against the wall across from you, his arms crossed and his right leg against the wall to give his body support.

"I don't want to hear it from you.." Camille mumbled, her facial features saddening at the memories from just a few days prior.

"Why? You know it was your fault. I told you to stay away from that pr-"

"I said that I don't want to hear it from you!" She yelled, interrupting his insult. He shrugged, a smirk on his smug face.

"I'm only telling the truth, and you know it. If you wouldn't have been an idiot in the first place and started dating Ivan, then none of this would have happened." He explained, causing her to keep her mouth shut and hang her head low. She knew that he was right, and she had no way of defending herself from his insensitive words.

"Sir, I was just doing my job." You said, causing Camille to lift her head up at you with curiosity. The man's eyes connected with yours for the first time, confusion and disbelief written on his expression.

"That's what all cops say." He commented, his agitating grin still plastered on his face.

"I had every opportunity to leave that house and let her die." You explained, holding your hand against your left side as the pain from your wound begged you to stop moving, "Everyone makes mistakes, but one thing that Camille did for me was defend my life. Even as a gun was pointed to both of our heads, she had enough courage to beg for mercy on my behalf."

The man's grin quickly faded into a frown as he heard your words. It didn't make any sense to him. Your life was almost taken by a stranger, and you were perfectly fine with it? The fact that Camille attempted to save your life meant nothing if you were killed in the end.

Upon realizing his silence, you shot him a mocking smirk. He noticed your gaze and scoffed at you. You were a cop, but you had to be insane to risk your life for someone else like that. Especially for someone as idiotic and pathetic as his sister.

With a growl, he lost the staring contest and left the room, only his fading, methodical footsteps being heard as he walked down the hallway.

Camille breathed a sigh of relief, glad that the tension was interrupted with his absence. She stood back up and grabbed the flowers on the bed before turning to you with a small smile.

"Well, you've met my brother." She commented, making you chuckle a bit.

"He's quite the character, huh?" You asked. She giggled before sitting down on the edge of the hospital bed, careful to not sit on your feet.

"Charles has always been that way. He's usually much nicer." She explained. You raised a playful eyebrow at her.

"Somehow, I doubt it." You mentioned, smiling at her newly positive mood.

"He didn't like Ivan.." She mumbled, her smile fading a little as she thought. Your smirk did too as you slowly sat up, preparing to talk to her.

"I don't really blame him. You deserve better than that." You said, an appreciating grin replacing her frown. She looked back up at you.


She played with several of the flower petals silently for a while before getting up from the bed, the flowers in hand. She walked over to your bedside nightstand and laid the flowers on it's surface gently.

"I'd love to stay and chat more, but I'm sure that my brother is becoming impatient. I hope that you have a speedy recovery, Lieutenant (L/n)." She said, holding her hands together in front of her.

"Please, just call me (Y/n). You take care of yourself now, you hear me?" You asked, her nodding in response.

"I will. Thank you so much for saving me, (Y/n). I owe you my life." She said, her eyes beginning to glisten as she remembered the hell the two of you had been through. Though, you dismissed her with the wave of your hand.

"I was just doing my job. All I ask is that you watch out for yourself in the future. Don't let anyone else push you around." You advised.

"I won't. Have a good night."

"You too." You responded, the two of you waving at each other as she exited the room.

The beeping of the machines around you soon returned to your ears, making you wish that she would have stayed just a little bit longer to keep you company.

You thought about requesting Matt to come down, but between his lectures and emotional breakdowns, you didn't think you could handle him. You sighed before leaning back against the bed, your head gently laying on the thin pillow beneath you.

'I hate this place..'

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