This Isn't Our Ending

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The kids jumped out the plane excited to see their family in D.C. Taraji wrangled them up after baggage check making sure she didnt leave a single Howard. With Cyrus sleepy she was having quite the trouble keeping order as they got a rental car.

"Hand me my purse." Taraji asked reaching around Cyrus quite litteraly attached to her hip. A whine leaving his lips everytime she moved.

"Your phone's ringing." Marcel commented helping his mother out. He pulled out her wallet handing that to her instead. She thanked him ignoring her ringing phone. Marcel looked at it seeing it was Lori, frowning he didn't know what to do so he answered it.


"Terrence?......What the fuck? How dare you...." Lori sat starting to go off.

"I'm not Terrence." Marcel commented with a growl.

"Marcel? I'm sorry you just.....anyways is your mom around. I wanted to let her know that the kids are knocked out so if she still wanted to see them she was welcomed but she'd have to wake them up." Lori informed him, he frowned staring at the phone. When did she get nice?

"Uh..okay, we're probably going to go straight to my grandma's house and regroup till morning." Marcel spoke seeing his mom grab the keys and take a step to the side making a somehow sleeping Cyrus start to fall. Heaven caught her little brother with a quickness.

"Okay, well hope you guys had a good flight. I'll see you tomorrow." Lori spoke before hanging up. Getting over his shock at her change in character he grabbed his mother's bags so she could pick Cyrus up who was throwing a big fit wanting her to grab him. He had noticed something up with her after she put the ring back on today, it wasn't his place to say but he knew she had her days.

The car ride to Bernice's was long, everyone in the car was sleep besides Taraji. Though she was fighting it pretty hard she still had to have Common on the phone to keep her up. He was a good guy but at times he could be too childish for her like in the moment. He was feeling some type of way about her putting that ring on, she had told him she was feeling down and did. He thought whatever guy hurt her was a complete ass.

He was upset but not in a mad way but in a way hurt. It made him feel wrong to be inching into her life if she wasn't ready. Yet even though she said that was done and over with he didn't feel it was if everytime she got sad she thought about the guy. Eventually he had dropped not wanting to cause tension between them.

".....You home yet?" She heard asked after a long yawn.

"No, I got 10 minutes left. You can go to sleep it's okay." She spoke glancing into her rearview mirrior.

"Nope, not until I know you're safe and sleeping. So......tell me about your family. If you don't want to that's okay." He added to not pressure her.

"Well you know I lost my dad, but my mom she's a good woman. Learned all I know from that woman, reads me like a open book even when it's closed." Taraji explained.

"Damn, she sound like my mama. I just can't get away with nothing when I'm around her. Its like she know anything and everything." He chuckled.

"Exactly." Taraji agreed with a chuckle. The conversation flowed with them until she had stopped in Bernice's driveway. He had wished her a goodnight after she announced her safe journey. Turning to wake up her kids she jumped out her skin meeting Marcel's open eyes.

"Who was that?" He asked oddly calm.

"A friend." She responded gauging his reaction.

"The friend Hev and Brey been snitching to me about?" He asked with a raised brow, she rolled her eyes ready for his temper but instead got a smile.

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