I'll Always Protect You

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A Week Later

Terrence pulled up to Raji's house, grabbing his and Hunter's bags as Brey carried Hunter to the house. She banged on the door, impatiently waiting for someone to open it. As soon as Cel opened it, she pushed Hunter in his arms and stormed past him. "What the hell is your problem?" Marcel asked, getting hit on the back of his head by Terry. "Watch your mouth," he told his son. "Tell Brey to chill with the attitude. She basically threw Hunter at me!" Cel snitched, wanting Brey to get in trouble just once.

Taraji came out the kitchen, seeing 3 Howard boys, but only 1 Howard girl. "Where's Aubrey?" She asked, looking out the window. "Somewhere probably casting a spell or something," Cel mumbled as he walked back to the living room, putting Hunter down. "What's going on?" Raji asked Terry who seemed unbothered by his moody kids. "I don't know but what you cooking?" He changed the subject smelling something divine coming from the kitchen.

"Nothing for you fat boy," Raji teased, spinning on her heels. "Only fat where it counts baby," he said to her, following right behind her. Her cheeks grew warm from his sly comment. She knew exactly what he meant and to be honest, she missed having it. "Heaven tell daddy to stop being nasty," she giggled, seeing the 2 year old walking around with her blanket as she just woke up from her nap. "Leave mommy lone daddy!" The little one pouted, hitting Terry on the leg.

"If I have to leave mommy alone, then I'm gonna have to mess with you then huh!" He snatched her up, tickling her sides and triggering her little laughs that were starting to sound more and more like her mother's. Taraji smiled to herself as she turned off the pot of chili. "LEAVE ME ALONE!" They heard Brey scream before a door slammed shut. "GET OUT MY ROOM THEN!" Cel yelled back. Terry put Hev down and started walking towards the area where all the noise was coming from.

"What's going on here?" He asked, looking at his son picking the lock on the door. "What I tell you about picking them damn locks!?" Taraji yelled at Cel. "She locked herself in my room. I feel like I have all the rights to pick it. I can't get into my own room!" He argued. "Go watch your brother and sister. You gone make me hurt you," Taraji hissed. "I didn't do nothing!" Cel yelled, his eyes bucked when he realized he raised his voice at his mother. He looked up at Terry and coward down. "Sorry mom," he rushed out before running off like he was told.

"Aubrey Nicole open this damn door!" Terry's voice boomed. "NO!" she yelled back. "What did you just say to me? Little girl don't make me break my foot off in yo ass!" He threatened, still not hearing her unlock the door. "I don't want you to come in! I want mama!" She screamed. "You have to open the door if you're going to call Lori," Raji spoke as calmly as she could, feeling a little hurt. "Not her! I want you!" Aubrey corrected. Taraji let out a sigh of relief then pulled her emotions together.

"Well then open the door," she yelled. Brey unlocked the door, opening it enough for Raji to come in, slamming it back shut when Terry tried to follow. He sucked his teeth, walking to the living room to sit and wait alongside Marcel. "You got kicked out too huh. Should've let me pick the lock" Cel laughed as Terry pushed him over, taking the GameCube controller out of his hand. Since he was stuck outside the girls' circle of trust, he had no choice but to play Super Monkey Ball with Cel.

Taraji sat on the bed, looking at Brey pace back and forth. "Sooooo... are you going to tell me what is going on?" Raji asked. Brey finally stopped pacing and looked at Taraji, somewhat ashamed. "I... I'm bleeding," Raji raised an eyebrow, trying to understand the vague detail she was given. "You are bleeding... from a cut... or...?" Raji egged on, trying to get the whole issue out of the 11 year old. "Down there," she whispered as if someone else was in the room.

Taraji gasped, realizing this was the first time Aubrey had gotten her menstrual. "That's why you're so moody. It's okay baby," Raji consoled her. "So I'm not going to die?" Aubrey spat out. "What the fu- why would you die?" Raji asked, barely catching herself from saying something rude. "I don't know? I don't even know why it's bleeding. Is it supposed to do that?" She cried, fear written all over her face. In that moment, Raji realized that Lori hadn't talked to Brey about puberty.

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