Finnick rests his head on my lap and I run my fingers through his hair to help calm his nerves. He looks up at me and I smile back down at him. "I'm scared." He whispers quietly.

"To be brave you have to be scared first. It's alright to be scared, Hell, I was. But if you do what I know you can you will come back here." He leans up to kiss me then lays back down.

Suddenly the TV turns on and we see Caesar's face appear. He explains what the scores are and starts with 1, of course, they both get a 10. All of the careers do. District 3 is okay, an eight and seven. I lean forward when Finnicks picture shows up on the TV. "From district 4 we have Finnick Odair, he's scored an 11! Well done!" I laugh and hug him, that's a great score that will definitely help with sponsors.

"Mist from District 4 scores a 10! Two heavy hitters, we have here." He comments before moving on to district 5. I stand up and hug them both, congratulating them on their scores. We wait until all of the other tributes have been shown and then head down to the building where the interviews will be held.

The elevator ride is quiet, I can practically feel the nerves radiate from both Finnick and Mist, like how I felt when I was going down for mine. When we arrive on the ground floor we're escorted by some peacekeepers, the tributes  taken to their dressing rooms while I am taken backstage to watch.

When the first interview starts I remember what Po said to me. I walk past Finnick and whisper good luck to both him and Mist before walking back to the dressing rooms and into the one I used last year. When I walk in I see Po prepping some makeup in the corner. "Hey hot stuff, Mist looks beautiful!" I say while walking to a chair in the corner, watching the tributes from district 1 on TV.

"Well, it wasn't my best work, I have to admit. She doesn't have the same spark as the Victor from last year." He responds while going into the closet to fetch something.

He brings out a beautiful dress, white with beautiful roses snaking up the side. My jaw drops at how breathtaking it is. He chuckles at my reaction. "You like?"

"This is amazing!" I say immediately

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"This is amazing!" I say immediately. The dress is more sophisticated than the other tributes, showing off my victor status. The deep red helps me to differ from the others, making no mistake I'm not one of them.

When he gets me into the dress Finnick is going out for his interview. I turn up the volume and watch him make the crowd swoon. To be honest... I hate this side of him. The side that's smooth with the ladies, cocky, arrogant. When he's not in front of cameras, talking to the capitols women, he's sweet, kind, compassionate, and caring. On tv he's superficial, but I guess that's what the capitol demands.

I wear some matching shoes and Po does a bright red lip with some eye makeup, my hair in a sophisticated updo

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I wear some matching shoes and Po does a bright red lip with some eye makeup, my hair in a sophisticated updo. By the time he's finished with me I've missed most of the interviews and they are now on the district 12 male. "You better get going." He says as he does some finishing touches. I hug him and blow a kiss as I walk out feeling confident.

Someone from staff leads me to side stage where I'll be entering when Caesar does his usual hand gesture. Finally, he finishes with the twelve male and moves on. "Now, for our big finale, the victor of last years hunger games, the darling of the capital, Rose Brightfall!" And he shoots his hand out.

I walk out smiling and waving. I take his hand and sit down, he looks at me excitedly. "So, Rose, How has the Victor life been treating you?" He asks while leaning forward in his chair

"Amazing, honestly. The houses are a big upgrade and I love all of my fans at home and here in the capitol!" I earn a loud cheer from the crowd, feeling disgusted with the lies I'm spewing.

"How was winning the games so young, the youngest in history I believe?" Caesar asks, wondering how it is to be the youngest person to murder the most other children.

"Well, it was surreal. I was very nervous going into it. I was confident in my skills though and I think that helped me pull out the win." The crowd claps, loving the bullshit I'm giving them.

"So last time you were here you mentioned a boy. And I believe that boy is here tonight, is he not?" Caesar asks, looking solemn.

"Yes, he is here tonight," I answer simply.

"And are you two together?" He asks, trying to get some info. I've been instructed by my agent not to give any specific information up.

"I don't know Caesar, I guess you'll have to see." He fake pouts at me.

"That's no fun! Anyway, who do you think is going to win, even though we aren't allowed to bet." He says quickly after.

"Obviously my own tributes!" I say while laughing. He laughs along and we stand up.

"Rose Brightfall everybody!" And I walk off, waving the entire time.

I retreat to our floor, walking into my bedroom and stripping down to sleep. As I'm about to doze off a knock sounds on my door and Finnick enters. I sit up. "Hey," I say tiredly.

"Hey, sorry to wake you. I just wanted to be with you my last night before the arena." I smile at him and pat the space next to me. He climbs in and wraps his arms around me as we cuddle in each other's arms.

When we wake in the morning Finnick is forced back to his room to get into some misc clothes before he actually gets to the arena. I put on a simple outfit that's still capital approved to help with sponsors.

Once I exit Finnick has already eaten and is waiting for me. I walk him to the elevator and press the button for the roof. "If you have a millisecond of hesitation, run away from the cornucopia. I can easily get you sponsored, even a weapon." I see him nod from beside me. "Don't die." He chuckles dryly.

"I promise I won't."

"If you break your promise I'll kill you myself."

The elevator dings and before he leaves I grab him and give him a big kiss, a send-off. He hugs me and slowly walks toward the hovercraft waiting to carry 23 tributes to their death.

Once I've dropped off Finnick I retreat to the viewing area and sit with some other victors to spectate. I also make some friends with some wealthy patrons, they have pledged some money to sponsor which is good. When he needs something I'll be there to support him, both of them.

Finally, the screen flickers to life and Caesar gives an introduction, then it cuts away to a tropical arena with water, palm trees, and a large jungle. That's the theme this year. That's good for him, he's good in the water.

The cameras pan around at the tributes and I spot him, his calculating eyes.

The announcer starts counting down. 10. 9. 8. 7. He looks around, deciding what to do.

6. 5. 4. 3. He finally decides and gets ready to run, taking a stance on his plate. Before the time runs out there's a boom and explosion.

The clock ticks down to one and everyone is too distracted, but not Finnick. He takes the few seconds and gets a head start. He grabs a spear and backpack from the cornucopia before speeding off.

Let the games begin.

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