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I'm awoken in the morning by an alarm. I get up out of bed and see an outfit set out for me. It has a long sleeve shirt and heavy duty pants, looks like I'll be somewhere cold. Last time they had an ice arena most of the tributes died from hypothermia and it was not very entertaining.

I walk out into the living room to see my mother waiting for me. "Let's go, it's time sweetie." She walks me to the elevator. As we get inside, a new button has appeared since last night. She presses it and we start ascending. "I want you to get far away from the cornucopia. I trust your judgement and if you think you can make it do it, but if you have even the slightest of doubts run, okay?" She says seriously as we reach the top of the building.

"Yes. I love you mom." I hug her and she holds me tight.

Next thing I know I'm being ushered off the elevator and herded onto the jet that is sitting stationary. I take a seat and put on my seatbelt, waiting to take off. A woman in a hazmat suit comes in with a huge needle and starts injecting something into the other tributes forearms.

She gets to me and pulls out a fresh needle. "Your arm please." She says in a voice that is monotone.

"What is that?" I say as she grabs my arm and sticks the large needle in. I wince a bit and something is injected into me.

"Your tracker."

She walks off down the row and continues to inject the tributes. After she's done it takes about ten minutes for the jet to finally take off. Sterling is sitting in front of me, staring at me. It makes me very uncomfortable so I stare back at her until she finally looks away.

It takes us about fifteen minutes of flying before we touch ground and are escorted one by one by a peacekeeper. After the male from district 2 goes I'm taken down a long hallway, we seem to be underground.

We stop at one of the doors and he pushes me inside before closing and locking it. Once I step deeper into the room I see Po and give him a hug, he returns it. There's a couch in the corner, beside that has a rack with a heavy duty jacket on it, and at the back is a tube, presumably for me. "We get five minutes in here, then they want you in the tube." I nod and we sit on the couch, taking in the calm before the storm.

"2 minutes remaining." An automated voice echoes throughout the room. My heart beats in my chest and speeds up, making me extremely nervous. I get up off the couch, as does Po. He walks over to the rack and gets the jacket off, putting it on for me.

"This is heavy duty, traps in heat, I'd guess snow or ice." I nod, having been thinking the same thing this morning. "I want to see you back here, I have the perfect outfit for your coronation, come back." I laugh and hug him once more before the voice comes through the speaker again.

"Twenty seconds." Oh god. I look Po in the eye and he nods. I walk towards the tube as I'm given another warning. "Ten seconds."

I step inside and the opening immediately closes. I look back at him and he nods mouthing "come back." As I feel myself being raised. The cold shocks me and the light is blinding as I enter the arena. After my eyes have adjusted I can see it all in it's horrific glory.

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