"Look at my gift for you!" One girl handed him another one of an expensive piece of clothing.

But his eyes never left the spot you were just standing on. It was almost as if he couldn't hear her and lightly pushed her away.

His friends stared at him in confusion as he walked towards the wrapped present on the ground which you just dropped. He picked it up. It looked simple and was neatly wrapped with a sticky note placed in the middle.

From: Y/n.
To: Park Jimin.

Happy birthday!

He stared at the sticky note for a while while everyone trailed right after behind him.

Tearing the wrapping paper apart, a dark brown picture frame was being held in his hands. What surprised him even more was the drawing

박지민. (Park Jimin)

His eyes softened as he stared at it. It was a beautiful drawing of him with perfect detail. He wondered how much time and effort you spent on this. He stared at it in admiration.

His friends from behind ran up to him and noticed the drawing in his hand. "What's that?" One of them asked.

The girls followed behind and saw it. "Looks like a stupid drawing to me." One of them said and crossed her arms.

Jimin turned towards her and glared at her. "Don't say that." He told her.

"My gift is obviously better than that." He heard someone whisper. He stared at the drawing and felt a smile form on his face.

A girl looked at him. "Why do you like it so much? It's just a drawing." She said with an attitude. "Ours gifts are better than that simple drawing."

"Yeah, she couldn't even give it to him cause she ran away!" One girls said followed by laugher from everyone. Jimin wasn't laughing and stared at her.

"Sure all your guys gifts were nice and expensive, but this ones simple and sincere. And sometimes that's all I've ever asked for." Everyone grew quiet as he spoke. "And also, just a drawing? Can you do this? I'd like to see you try."


School was over for the day. Jimin has been looking around for you the whole day and hasn't found you yet.

Well that's what he thought until he spotted you about to leave in the school gate. He immediately towards you. "Y/n!" He shouted to get your attention.

You turned around after hearing someone shout your name. Your eyes widened when you saw Jimin running towards you. Flashbacks of what happened this morning came up to your mind. You immediately turned back around and started walking away quickly.

Jimin saw this and panicked. "W-wait!"

You didn't listen and pretended as if you heard nothing. Just keep walking, just keep walking.

Suddenly feeling your wrist being pulled, you were turned around. You stared at Jimin with wide eyes. Your faces were inches apart as his other hand held your waist to prevent you from falling. You could feel your heart beating faster each second.

"Y-you..." You tried to speak, but nothing came out of your mouth.

He let go of you as you stumbled, trying to find your balance because you were so flustered. You noticed that he was holding something on his other hand.

It was your gift.

"You made this for me, right?" He asked, referring to the drawing.

You looked away. "Does it matter?" You mumbled but he heard it loud and clear.

"Of course it does." He replied seriously. "Why would you say that?"

Sighing, you looked down. "You got so many better gifts. They're all expensive and you've always wanted those am I right?" You looked at him.

He looked at you finding the right words to say. "You are. But it was all too much. I actually felt a bit uncomfortable since they were all so expensive." He shrugged but then smiled. "You're actually the first one to make me something like this, and I'm really thankful. So thank you."

You were quite shocked with what he said. You just stared at him not knowing what to say.

"Can you tell me how you did this?" His eyes lit up. "I want to know how you made this! What materials did you use?" He asked in interest.

You grew quite flustered again with all the questions he was asking you. You both slowly started to walk and you had your conversation. You told him everything about the drawing from how you made it.

Seeing him smile so sincerely made you smile in your head.

He liked it.


50k. I'm speechless. Thank you guys so much! I'm currently working on a Seokjin and past life chapter so stay tuned! And also,

I just received the new album today!

My sister and I ordered the full set. Since there were four versions we divided it, I got two, she got two. I GOT A JUNGKOOK AND JIN PHOTO CARD! I literally screamed so loud cause I got my bias. And I always wanted a Seokjin photo card too.

I'm rambling too much okay bye

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