Taehyung - fond

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I recommend to listen to the song on top while reading this chapter ~🎧

Taehyung was always the weird kid in his class growing up. Although he's just 6th grade, the students would be afraid of his cold and aggressive yet quiet personality. He would always cause trouble in the classroom when fighting with other students.

He threw the small rock aggressively as if he was letting all his anger out. He was sitting on a bench outside the school building and the bruise on his cheek was quite obvious.

"That guy punched me first. Why am I getting the blame?" He mumbled to himself in anger and threw another rock again.

He fought with another boy in his classroom. But he didn't start it and yet, he's getting the blame no matter how many times he denied it.

That's how it goes, just because of your appearance you get judged way to quickly.

"Aish-!" he stopped talking midway when he spotted something by the playground not to far away.

It was a girl, she looked the same age as him, she was wearing a school uniform with the same logo as his have. She was sitting on the swing slightly swaying herself a bit while reading a book. She looked really fascinated reading it with a smile on her face. She looked, peaceful and happy.

Taehyung's facial expressions softened as he admired her. At that moment he forgot everything that happened. His anger, his pain, the only thing in his mind was her.

He slowly look back on the ground as he could feel how fast his heart was beating. His eyes widened as he punched his heart.

He didn't know what the feeling was, but he knew it wasn't good.


"Dude, you should come to my house later." His friend, Jimin said and slung his arm around his shoulder while the both of them were walking on the hallway. School has just ended and they were ready to go home.

It had been a few years later and Taehyung is now a senior. He was known as the bad boy in the school, since he causes trouble a lot. The girls in the school went head over heels for his looks, but he never accepted them no matter how desperate they were.

He was just a cold-hearted troublemaker.

"Can't." He quickly said. "Why?" Jimin asked.

Because she'll be in the library later, He thought. "Because I have to do homework" He walked away without letting Jimin respond.

"He never does homework." Jimin mumbled but then shrug it off and walked home.


Taehyung hid behind the bookshelves secretly as he watched her searching for a book on the bookshelf in front of him. He smiled unknowingly when he saw her happy expression when she finally found the book she wanted.

Ever since he saw her at the playground a few years ago he started to follow her around without her knowing.

He slowly started to fond her.

He isn't like what people think he is. He's not just a cold hearted trouble maker. He has a soft side

And that was with her.

He loved how just by looking at her he would forget his problems, he loved the little things she does, he loved everything about her. But he was to scared to talk to her, that daredevil that everyone knows is too scared to talk to a girl.

It has been a few hours since he had been watching her in the library and he started to get sleepy. He sat down on the floor and leaned his back against the bookshelf, he then rested his head on his hand. Unknowingly his eyes started to feel heavier and heavier until they finally closed.



Taehyungs eyes fluttered open but then grew wide. Their faces were so close.

Her eyes were wide as well because she didn't expect him to wake up. Afterall, She knew how deep of a sleeper he was.

He was still sitting down on the floor of the library and her face was just inches from his. He could see her cheeks growing red and he had a smile on his face.

"Y/n." He smiled at her.

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