Jin - nightmare

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Gasping for air you sat up from your bed. Feeling the sweat drip down your forehead, and the uncontrollable tears flowing down your cheeks.

You had a dream— no a nightmare. A fire, attacking, burnt everything to ashes. You remember your boyfriend was there,

And you couldn't do anything to save him.

You remember feeling yourself screaming when the fire took him away from you. You had escaped from the house, While Jin didn't. You felt traumatized as if it had really happened.

It was in the middle of the night. You were panicking about your dream. With shaky hands, you grabbed you phone and dialed your boyfriends number.


Jin's phone continuously ringed under his pillow causing him to wake up. He wondered who would be calling him at 3 am in the morning, but since the ringing didn't stop, he picked up his phone with half opened eyes.

His first thought was it to be one of his groups members who was calling him. Maybe because they would want to talk to him about something which he has gotten used of honestly.

But it was you.

He quickly sat up, for sure now fully awake. Panic immediately rushed through him when he saw your name on his phone. Why would you be calling him this late? Did something happen to you? A million of bad scenarios had rushed through his head.

Answering the phone call, he placed it on his ear and was ready for the worst. He hoped that nothing bad had happened to you.

"Y/n? Are you okay?" He asked with panic obvious in his voice. He was worried for his girlfriend.


Instead, he heard your sobs. He grew even more worried.

"...a-are you okay?"

His eyes softened immediately when he heard your soft voice. You sounded so fragile.

"Yes. I'm perfectly fine." Jin comforted you. "what happened?" He asked softly. You sobbed again. Telling him about your nightmare with not a detail missed.

"A-and then you were gone. A-and i-i couldn't do anything about it." You stuttered out, panicking again.

"Calm down y/n. Take deep breathes." His voice soothe you. You did what he said and calmed down a little. You felt protected and warm just by hearing his voice.

You both talked on the phone for another hour and Jin was glad he got to calm you down. If anything happened to his girlfriend he would do anything to make her happy again.

He would do anything to make you happy again.

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