Jimin - sick

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You walked to class with a runny nose which continuously made you sob. Wrapping your arms around yourself for warmth, you totally forgot to bring your jacket with you.

Hearing someone happily hum a random song behind you, the humming grew louder as the person skipped towards you. You closed your eyes wanting to rest them for a bit as you continued to walk.

Stopping your tracks, you felt a presence standing in front of you. So you opened your eyes to see your boyfriend grinning towards you.

"Good morning." With a cheerful voice, Jimin smiled towards you. "Good mo—" you stopped talking as you started coughing uncontrollably. Watching you cough, his eyes grew worried as he patted your back.

"Are you okay?" He asked when you had stopped coughing. You nodded your head in response not wanting to speak. Reaching out to touch your forehead, jimins eyes grew wide due to how hot your temperature was.

He mumbled something which you weren't able to hear. He then quickly removed his jacket and wrapped it around you. "You're burning."

"I know." You replied. "Then why did you come to school today?" He asked in concern.

You sobbed again before speaking. "We're having a test that's worth half of our grade. I can't miss it."

"Your health is more important." He sighed out of frustration. "Just take care of yourself okay? When my class is over I'll immediately go to you."

Shaking your head, you didn't want to be a burden. "You don't need to."

He said nothing instead quickly kissed your forehead. He held your shoulders and smiled.

"You're my girlfriend. There's nothing else I want to do."


Jimin sprinted towards the library. He looked for you everywhere and when you were no where to be seen, he panicked. Your test has finished an hour ago. He even asked your teacher where were you but even she didn't know here.

The library was the last place he didn't look. He entered the library and looked around with panic visible in his eyes.

His eyes softened when he spotted you sleeping with your head rested on your arm as your face was visible, sleeping peacefully. Jimin smiled at your cute figure.

Walking towards you, he made sure you were cover in his jacket so that you would be warm. He then sat beside you. Facing you, he copied your position and slept as well.


So sorry I haven't been updating! I've been busy with school events and I'll try my best to update! ❤️

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