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Two days after the talk with Jeremy Rao, Brenya was surprised to see Jerry coming to visit her.

He didn't even reply her messages nor he called her back after consistent call from Brenya.

Since he didn't call her back, Brenya also didn't call him but waited for Jeremy to pass her the latest message.

Jerry: "Good morning Brenya. "

" How are you pulling on?"

Brenya : "I'm good Jerry. "

"Why busy so much Mr Liang?"( sarcastic tone)

Jerry: "Yep! Short of Ms Black"( with same sarcasm)

"Ok! Let's come to the point."

"You wanted to know the plans."

" It goes like this:-"

"The Gun Runner had been sent the required message and everything went well, the whole Drama will come to an End Show tonight."

Brenya : "Oh what a relief! "( Sighing very loudly)

"What's your plan exactly Jerry Liang?"

"Please elaborate a bit."

"I should not be caught off guard."

Jerry: "Jeremy and his commandos will be on guard every corner of the house."

" They would not allow even the dog to enter the place."

"I have somebody who would accompany Viper

and he would be brought here."

"In fact you're to meet him and talk to him."

"You would be given a bullet proof jacket in case Viper turned Nasty and did not play by the rule."

"Don't give him chance and no negotiations.

You have your revolver and aim at his head."

"Then you arrest him."

"As simple as that."

"But you have to use your Full Charm to seduce him."

Brenya: " Jerry Liang we are talking about the vicious Gun Runner,Johnson the Viper not ordinary thief but professional shooter. "

" Jerry Liang that's one humongous problem that needs to be tackled cautiously. "

" I don't want to be the Sitting Duck."

Jerry: "Ms Brenya Black !we had taken care for any eventuality."

"Don't worry! You just play your role well."

Brenya: "Sure Mr Liang. "

"Are you ready with all the recordings and CC camera?"

Jerry: "Everything had been taken care Ms Black. "

" Rest is upto you."

Brenya: " Handcuffs and everything?"

Jerry: " Yes Ms Black , everything. "

Brenya: " What time he would be brought?"

Jerry: "Around evening time."

Brenya: "Jerry Liang I still have this jittery feeling that something or someone is missing. "

Jerry: "What Ms Black you didn't trust my judgement?"

Brenya: "I do! it's just my nagging feeling."

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