CHAPTER 15 Where is Johnson Reuben Shanghi

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Brenya sent Jerry to the hospital to check Johnson along with Jeremy Rao.

Johnson was still listed in the critical conditions and some of his vital organs were in acute danger.
Even if he pulled out of coma, chances were there, that he might not be normal again.

After sending Jerry, Brenya could not remain satisfied until and unless she saw him herself.

Jerry took the mobile and saw Brenya's number.

"Hello! Hello!"

"Yeah Ms Black?"


Brenya : "Jerry are you in hospital yet?"

"Wait for me I'm coming too."

Jerry just smirked and said, "Okay waiting."

After twenty minutes both Brenya and Jerry entered the special ward.
Seeing from a distance even Brenya was shocked that Johnson was lying in coma.

She gasped and was breathing heavily. She was feeling breathless and was almost staggering. Jerry looked at her pale face and held her.

Jerry: " Brenya steady".

"Calm down ."

"Look closely. "

"He resembled Johnson but he is not Johnson."

"I'm sure I have seen him somewhere. "

"But I'm sure hundred percent he is not original Johnson."

Jerry clutched his head. He was whispering I'm sure I know this guy.

She just closed her eyes and tried to suppress the tears which were threatening to spill.

Jerry: I held Brenya when she tremble all over  and sobbing. Suddenly I felt something wet on my chest and saw Brenya sobbing her heart out.

The nurse on duty was glaring at us and told us to go outside.

We went out and sat on the plastic chairs outside.
By now Brenya had calm down and I passed her the tissues.

Brenya: " Sorry Jer. " "I freaked out."

" Let me freshen up, then we will  talk."

Jerry: " It's Okay Brenya."

But my mind was in chaos thinking where have I have seen that comatose guy.

I was still in dilemma whether to tell Brenya that he was not Johnson.

" Hello! Hi!" Shouted Jeremy Rao.

" Sorry! I was caught in a traffic jam. Couldn't reach in time," told Jeremy Rao.

Brenya was not around when Jeremy Rao reached near Jerry. She had gone to washroom to freshen up.

Jerry pulled Jeremy Rao to the corner for discussion.

"What's up? "asked Jeremy Rao

Jerry: "Mr Rao! "

Jeremy: "Call me Jeremy. "

Jerry: " Jeremy this man is not Johnson.

Jeremy : WHAT???? "

"Then who the Hell is He?"

Jerry:  "Jeremy listen. Listen !"

"Don't shout???"


( He put a finger on his lips showing no talking)

Jeremy: "Why?? ( He whispered)

Jerry: " Johnson was Brenya's bf. "

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