Chapter 10 Three headed Snake

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Kevin Li

Changki Zhao

Johnson Reuben Shanghi

Brenya went to the whiteboard on her office and wrote this Target.
"Activate all our past connections and woke them up from their slumber. "

"It's hightime to be alert and kicking."
" Any info should be filtered and compiled."


These three people are like Three headed Snake.
But until and unless we got the info we couldn't ascertain about Kevin Li.

Some body had to play the Snake charmer to lure both Viper and Rattle Snake. 

"Who would be snakecharmer to these deadly snakes.?"
Brenya and Jerry were both in their own thoughts!!!
But they know;  they have to catch any one of them to get to the bottom of  the real story.

"And how did CEO Kevin Li disappeared conveniently?"


"Mind boggling"

"Did somebody knew mesmerism?  "

"Or did Mother Earth swallowed Kevin Li?"

So many theories but  no answer and back to square one making both Brenya and Jerry frustrated and hopeless.

"Yep! Ms Brenya Black ! "

"We have to detour. "
"Start from back instead of going forward ."

Jerry with his never die approach chatted on non stop.

"We have to thoroughly check Kevin Li, "replied Brenya nonplussed.

"Kevin Li....Birth....parents....Education....Love life.....Likes....Dislikes.....Sex orientation...etc..."
Brenya added.

"Sex orientation????? "


"Is he sexless? "
chuckled Jerry. ( thinking about such high class CEO being Third Gender)

"What's so funny Jer?"
"What's wrong to know the Sex orientation of a person in this age."

"Sex orientation I meant...."

"What's his preference..male or female or both."

rebuked Brenya but she herself started giggling.

"Why not try him? "

"If you meet him?" giggled Jerry uncontrollably.

"Handsome and rich and Who's who!"

"A Nouveau Riche as people assessed him but ..."

"They are wrong. "

"It's pure and simple big Inheritance." insisted Jerry.
"And better than someone..........."

"You know whom I'm indicating....."
winked Jerry.
"You'll dress in rich and growing style...."
"You can't hide your lying eyes..."..he started humming.

"Shut up!!!!  Jer "shouted Brenya.

"Uh..uh.. Touche.....Ms Black...".smiled Jerry
"Taboo subject. "
He put a finger on his lips showing no talking .

Kevin Li could not believe that his Deputy CEO Changki Zhao would  smash his company just for revenge. He knew Changki was involved fully in that chemical blast where around fifty of his lab people lost their precious lives.
Not only the people died even his company's share crashed bringing the company to bankcruptcy.

He could still recalled their last conversation regarding the production of deadly chemicals
He could not forget the bone chilling threat of Changki.
"If we produce this Strychnine, the world would be on our feet."
As such we were chemical company and no one would suspect us.
Money earning would be triple fold and the world on our pocket. The manufacturing was simple because the raw material was easily available.

"CEO Kevin Li!"

" I thought you're daring and ambitious leader."

"We supply this drug or directly we supply with Heroine toThird world countries and Middle East specially Iraq, then we would be undisputed leaders in chemical industry."
"No other industry could replace us and we would dictate the whole world." chipped Changki.
"No! "
"No! "
"Mr Deputy CEO."

"That's monstrous!!!"

"I would never deal in drugs and Heroine."

"I would not want holocaust nor I'm crazy for money."
"The effects of Strychnine was too dangerous and I would not be responsible for human misery."
"We produce chemical for human use but not for misuse."
"This kind of deadly chemical has been considered one of the most dangerous chemical."
"And you're thinking of starting a chemical warfare?"


"Are you insane?"

Strychnine is colourless, odourless, very bitter and toxic crystalline poison and used as pesticides to kill rodents and birds. If inhalled as powder or injected with solution it takes 15 to 60 minutes for the person to lose control of his nerves.
There will be spasm and and severe convulsion and person finally dies of asphyxiation. Commonly available from seeds of nux vomica tree or jahar tree or poison nut. It is native to India and Southeast Asia. It is very bitter.
Even a small dose is sufficient to kill a person.

Kevin stood his ground.
"Give up Changki!"
"Be a human."
"See I knew your under dealings."
"What under dealings???"
"Could you specify???" roared Changki.

"Guns..Arms.....What else????"

spoke Kevin softly but with biting his teeth.

Changki was tranfixed.

"How did you know?"

"What link?" "Whose link?"

"I have my ways." Replied Kevin.

I just have to tinkle the authorities. Then you're in for a long time.
"Get out!"
"Before I hand you over to the authorities. "
"Never underestimate me."
"You thought I would not catch you."
"But I have my reputation to think of."
"I didn't want Hongkong Chemical Company to be marred by such unscrupulous people like you."
"You may  be brilliant and unbeatable. "But....

"You're a Scum."

"Devil in disguise. "

" Gosh!!!

" No words to describe people like you."

"I felt ashamed that people like you were associated with my company."

"Bloody Gun Runner????"

"Drug Peddler????"

"You used company premises to store arms.??"

"Get out.!"
"Before I change my mind."
Changki left immediately with muttering incorrigibly ;" I will see you.!"
The company you're so proud of:
No trace of company would be found.
He left taking his bag.

One week after this showdown with his Deputy CEO Changki Zhao, Kevin was enjoying with his friends in one of the Seven.  Star hotel Four Seasons. In fact his friend Jim was celebrating his fiance's birthday there.
In the midths of that party Kevin recieved a call from his security in charge that there was accident in their lab.
The blast was so powerful that the whole lab was gutted. The mangled bodies of workers were beyond recognition. The explosion could be heard upto two three kilometres.
The security personnel cordoned off the whole area.
Even the employees were all despatched off and media was not informed.
Kevin: " Johny keep the media away from the accident site otherwise it will be blown up disproportionately. "
"Warn the employees "
"Gather all the Managers at the conference hall."
"Speed up!"
Kevin Li dashed off immediately pushing the speed limit and almost jumping the red light.
His speedometer exceeded the speed limit and almost like a wind he flew.

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