Chapter Thirty-Nine

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 It was another normal morning. Well, not quite normal since there was a field trip, but it wasn't like anything crazy was going to happen. Annie was sharing a seat on the bus with Peter, and she was using him as a pillow while she took a nap. The night before had been completely revolutionary. Only because she finally figured out what her audition song was going to be, but that took hours of work. She wasn't even sure if she was going to patrol that night or not. Maybe she would, if only because Peter would be there.

Right when she was comfortable, however, Peter shifted and caused Annie to knock her head into his collarbone.

"Jesus Christ! What the hell was-" she stopped herself.

Outside the window, there was a huge doughnut-shaped spaceship in the distance. At least, Annie assumed it was a spaceship. Somehow, no one else seemed to notice it. She looked at Peter and she already knew exactly what he was planning on doing. There was that look of determination in his eyes that he only seemed to get whenever there was something that was clearly dangerous happening.

Annie leaned over and whispered, "I'm coming too."

"What?! No way."

"Yes way, we're a team, remember?" she pointed out, "You don't just get to pick and choose that."

Peter sighed before nodding, "Fine, you're right."

He then turned behind him to get Ned to cause a distraction. Annie made a mental note to get a hold of Harper in case they hadn't seen. How no one else was seeing this amazed her. Still, she shook the thought away and made a mental plan of how to get out of the bus without anyone seeing.

"We're all gonna die!" Ned shouted.

Right as everyone rushed over to the side they were sitting on, Annie pulled Peter over to the other side, and he shot a web to get them out of the bus through the open window in the back. It would have been so easy to catch both of them, but if no one say the spaceship then she guessed it didn't make much of a difference.

Before she knew it, they were in their suits and headed straight for the spaceship. Even though everything inside of her was screaming to just stay there. She ignored the thought, there was no way she was letting Peter just go by himself if she had any say in it. And she did.

As she followed him, gliding, she sighed, "Hey, Eve, can you do me a solid?"

"Of course, what is it?"

"Can you call Harper real fast?"

"Yes, dialing 'my idiot best friend'."

Annie kept going as she heard the dial tone before there was a click, "Dude are you seeing this?!"

"That's what I was calling you about. I'm headed right there," Annie said.

Harper sighed, "I figured... just, be careful, okay? Don't do anything I wouldn't do."

"Don't worry, I'll be smart about it. I'm good with this type of stuff, and I'll look great while doing it."

"Whatever you say..." they trailed off.

Right then, a huge alien-looking thing almost hit her, "Okay, super sorry, Harper, but I gotta go there's a big alien thing, love you, bye!"

Just like that, Annie was thrust into fighting some aliens that she knew nothing about. But they were giving her a lot of energy to work with, so she wasn't complaining. She was just barely listening to what Peter and Tony were talking about, though she couldn't remember when he showed up. Not that the fact he was there surprised her.

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