Chapter Six

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"Wait wait wait, so that's why you moved?!" Harper exclaimed.

Annie flopped on the bed, her phone at her ear, "Yep... my dad couldn't keep it in his pants, so that's what made him take the job after the start of term."

"That's such bullshit!" Harper yelled, making Annie hold her phone away from her ear because of how loud they were being.

She sighed, looking up at the plain ceiling, "I know, like, my mom's been so anxious since Dad left for that conference and I was the dumbass who commented on it. And then she told me about his affair with Melanie."

"Hold up, Melanie, like your tutor, Melanie?"

"Yep, that'd be the one."

"Holy shit! That's fucking disgusting!" Harper exclaimed again, Annie now just turning down the phone volume, assuming her friend would continue to yell.

Annie knowing that they couldn't see, "I know! And then she started crying and I didn't know what to do. I thought my parents had their shit together. Oh, but do you wanna know how she found out?"

"Um, do I really wanna know?"

"It doesn't matter, I'm telling you anyways. Long story short, Melanie had a massive pregnancy scare and apparently my dad said he was going to marry her if that had been the case, so she was lying about it to keep my dad!" Annie exclaimed, far too enraged to have a hard time explaining.

There was a long pause and Annie could only hear breathing over the line, "Oh honey, that's terrible... men, and your old tutor, are scumbags."

"No not all men, just my dad... I mean, how could he? This whole time I thought he was a workaholic, but he was banging my tutor half the time," she huffed.

Harper stopped, "Wait, not all men... is there a guy? It's Spider-Man isn't it?"

"No! God no! Spider-Man's like a partner-"

"A love partner," Harper sang.

"No, once we finish this thing, that's it. Hopefully I never need to work with him or anyone else again. Now I won't tell you about the guy."

"So there is a guy?"

"Well, maybe, I don't know really. I haven't been here for a month, I can't just fall for any cute guy who's kinda nice to me."

"So he's cute?"

"Are you sure this is the right place?" Annie's mom asked.

Annie nodded, "Yep, Tina, can you knock for me? I'm very small and I currently I have no hands, you can imagine the stress I'm under."

It was true, early that morning Annie had made a pot of coffee with the, now unpacked, coffee maker. Then, as she went through the massive amounts of caffeine she made a potato salad before Tina came over. It turned out fairly well despite her making the salad last minute. Though, she had stayed up so late talking to Harper that she hadn't been busy working with Spider-Man. Not that she was too worried about it, he probably didn't even miss her.

"Yeah, sure," Tina responded, rolling her eyes which, in Annie's mind, was almost the same thing as laughing for the other female.

Tina was no longer on crutches, instead she wore a large boot, so she didn't need to worry about the crutches anymore. Even though she had only known Annie for who she was for less than a week, Annie felt close to the other girl. Mainly because she felt that Tina had no one else to go to just for talking. She knocked on the door and the three ladies stood waiting. There was some commotion on the other side as well as a couple of voices before Annie heard the door open.

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