Chapter Eleven

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A/N: There is transphobia, bullying, and anxiety/panic attacks in this chapter, please be aware of that

On the day school started back up again, Annie missed her alarm. Of course she had, she'd stayed out until around two in the morning taking care of a mugging with Spider-Man. Though, her parents thought she was fast asleep, so her dad was surprised when he walked into her room to still see her conked out.

When he woke her up, Annie had hardly any time to get ready and she shoved on the first clothes that she saw and practically bolted out the door with her backpack. From there, she practically sprinted out of the apartment building, wishing the elevator would have gone just a little bit faster. She looked at the time, seeing that if she could speed walk and sprint at some points, she would make it there on time.

After slipping and sliding on some ice, she made it to the subway to see only Peter who looked like a lost puppy. It made sense when she noticed that Ned wasn't anywhere to be seen. Though, they all knew that he was pretty sick with some kind of stomach flu when he threw up at ten in the morning on new year's day.

She rushed over to Peter as they got on the subway, "Sorry, I totally overslept!"

"That's actually kinda surprising... we find out about the audition stuff today, don't we?" Peter asked as they found a place to sit.

Annie's jaw dropped, "Oh shit, we do, don't we? Dammit, what if I totally messed up the audition and I'm not even in the production?"

"Hey, it's okay, you're gonna be fine. I listened and you sounded amazing," he replied, looking at her.

She sighed a bit, "Yeah, I might have sounded amazing, but what about every other girl who sounded amazing?"

"Come on, you've said it a lot, the people here aren't into theatre as much as you," he said.

She nodded a little, "I mean, I guess you're right... but really I was just trying to get myself into being overconfident to make up for nerves and shit."

"Either way, I'm sure you did great! You don't have anything to worry about," Peter insisted, nudging her a little.

While Annie and Peter were able to talk to each other just fine, it did feel like someone was missing simply because Ned wasn't there. Well, that and the fact that Peter never mentioned anything about Annie's drunk ramblings while she had been a bit drunk. She never mentioned it either, she just pretended to be a serious lightweight and like she had just blacked-out. At least, that was what she said when Tina asked if she remembered anything.

Maybe he hadn't said anything because Peter figured he didn't feel the same way she did. That was fine, Annie wasn't even sure if she had a crush on two guys or not. It wasn't like she had the time to sit at night figuring out if she liked Peter or Spider-Man more. The answer was simple, things would be easier with Peter and she would definitely be happy, but she would never be able to stop wondering about what it would be like to be with another hero. In the end, it was easier to just not bother with either of them and just stick to having two friends who she liked a whole lot.

By the time the pair made it to the school, Annie was too concerned with finding a heater to stand in front of to be thinking about the auditions. Though, when Peter mentioned it and pulled her in the direction, she was about ready to kick him. However, her stomach was churning too much and she felt like if she said anything that nothing but bile would come up.

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