Chapter 12

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"What do you mean you're gone for the next two weeks?" Annie asked, not crossing her arms because she was holding back a criminal against the wall until the police could get there.

Spider-Man shrugged, "Um... well, I gotta go to this family trip... I couldn't get out of it."

"So, you decided to tell me this at the same time that you ran out of web fluid... because... why?" she asked, shaking her head and trying to hide that she was rolling her eyes.

He sighed, "B-because I forgot?"

"Jeez, no wonder you're a hero. You suck at lying," she replied, "Now tell me what's actually up."

Spider-Man's eyes squinted, "Well, I figured if you were using your powers on someone else, then you couldn't use your powers on me or anything."

"Now, why would I be doing that?" Annie questioned.

He shrugged, "You said you use your powers on accident when you get surprised."

"Not like that, Spidey, it's if you came behind and totally surprised me. Anyways, didn't you say your suit was protected against that?" she asked, tilting her head a bit.

Spider-Man nodded, "Yeah, but that doesn't mean getting blasted back sounds like fun. I just didn't want you to be mad at me."

"Well, I'm not, you deserve the break, just, next time, don't forget your web fluid, you're kinda useless without it," she responded, taking the shield down when she saw some police officers coming.

They got a away from the officers, not feeling like dealing with any prying questions. All that mattered to either of them was that the guy got caught and, most likely, arrested. Besides, it was starting to get late for Annie. Even if Spider-Man was going on some last-second vacation, she sure wasn't. She couldn't help wishing that she was the one getting to leave the area for awhile. Granted, several people visited New York City for vacation, Annie was beginning to lose the appeal of the city.

Not that it was a terrible place to live, she was with a group of people who were probably the best for her. It allowed her to grow from her previous year of head games with other competitive theatre kids in her old school, but she did miss Seattle. Mainly for the constant rain and her best friend.

Annie huffed a bit as she got to the top of a building, "Well, that's it for me tonight. Have fun on your little vacation, Spidey," she said, looking around the rushing traffic below.

"Well, I'll try. Just do your best to hold down the fort, okay?" he replied, putting an arm around her shoulder.

Annie didn't step back, but didn't try to get closer to him either, "You don't need to worry about me, I know what I'm doing."

"I-I hope you're right, you know I told you if things get really bad-"

"Go talk to Mr. Stark, yeah, obviously, I know the drill. But that'd jeopardize everything with Tina," Annie countered.

Spider-Man shook his head, "But that doesn't matter if you get yourself hurt."

"Hey, I've always told you that I could do it on my own just fine. Just trust me, okay?" she said, turning to face him.

He nodded a bit, "Right, I just don't want you doing anything stupid."

"That's not gonna happen, promise. Now, it may not be a school night for you, but it is for me, so I'm gonna head to bed," she told him, stepping back and starting to glide back to her apartment.

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