Chapter Thirty-Four

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 After nearly a week of preparations, Annie still hadn't seen her new suit. Harper was insisting on keeping it a secret until they got to Seattle. It left Annie apprehensive, but excited all the same. While there was plenty to worry about, Annie finally took the time to realize that it wasn't her job to be worried.

It wasn't her fault that Carnival was going crazy all over New York, he was the one who managed to follow her. Just like it wasn't her fault that Tony was possibly her biological father. At least, that was what she had learned thanks to the therapy session she'd gone through in the last week.

While she wasn't sure she wanted to admit it, there was something that Annie loved about therapy that she just couldn't get from everyone else. It was the one time she was finally sat down and given the chance to sort out her thoughts. Obviously the bad dreams and overall declined mental state weren't going to be fixed by a few therapy sessions. There was a lot to be done, but Annie didn't mind that as much.

"You know, I'd wager that you didn't finish this suit until last night and that you knew this was going to happen," Annie said, shrugging a bit as they piled into a small private plane.

Harper rolled their eyes, "Whatever you say, but it's so awesome that it's getting its own space in the tiny overhead bin. You're so going to love this!"

"Look, you guys can keep bickering over the new suit, but I'm trying to figure out why we can fly to Seattle but we had to drive here in the first place," Ned interjected, sitting down.

Harper shrugged, "Who knows, I definitely don't."

"Different modes of transportation makes it less likely for you to be tracked. No one's going to think we'd be in Seattle if we're operating over here," Tony explained.

Peter sat down, "You know, I didn't mind the road trip too much."

"Says the person who got car sick on the way," Annie pointed out, sitting next to him.

Tony and Pepper sat a little bit away from the teenagers who were quickly getting into a conversation about whether or not the road trip qualified as a good time. It was clear Harper was the most adamant about their distaste on being stuck in a car for the better part of a week. Which quickly turned into Annie trying to figure out more about her new suit.

"Is it mostly white or is it mostly silver? And if it's silver is it too flashy?" Annie pressed.

Harper laughed, "You're acting like I would let you walk out looking like a human disco ball. I would never do that to a friend!"
"But it has both colors! And more, it's so awesome and I think you're gonna love it!" Ned exclaimed, "Like there's this one part that-"

"Ned, shut it! I want her to be surprised! It'll be way more satisfying to see Annie freak out over it in around... well I don't know how much time, but it'll be worth it," Harper claimed.

Peter shook his head, "I'm with Annie, I definitely think you guys didn't have it done until last night."

"See? It looks fishy! Thanks, Pete," Annie said, wrapping an arm around his shoulders.

Harper sighed, "You know what we're gonna have you two do?"


"Annie, you're gonna take your boyfriend on a date today and show him around the city. Ned and I are gonna take care of my parents. This way, you two can get out all your annoying PDA and it's all good," Harper replied.

Ned laughed, "I don't think that's gonna do it.If anything, I feel like it's just gonna make them worse."

"Well, that's rough. I don't have to deal with it when we get back. I'm going to a totally different school from you guys," Harper responded.

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