Chapter Fourteen

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A/N: I can't believe I've written so much of this fic and I've kept up with it for so long. I would love to hear thoughts of any kind!

Weekends were starting to become Annie's favorite part of the week for one main reason. That was the time she was able to get Peter by himself so they could do some extra rehearsing. Something recommended by Ms. Salazar in order to ensure that both Peter and Annie were getting their parts together. Though, the two ended up getting sidetracked almost every Saturday morning. It was so easy to do when they were just on their own in Annie or Peter's apartment. Neither of them could focus on the script for too long. One of them would mess up a line and end up laughing and then they would get off topic.

"Okay... do you even know what these harmonies sound like?" Annie asked, arching an eyebrow.

Peter shrugged a little, "I mean... I've listened to the music once."

"So you haven't seen the movie? You're the male lead and haven't seen the movie? You've got to be kidding!" Annie exclaimed, "You're killing me here!" she added, flopping on her bed.

Peter laughed, offering a hand to help her sit up, "Sorry? I mean, I'm trying here. You're the one leading all of this, seriously."

"You're seriously kidding, I'm pretty sure Ms. Salazar regrets making me the lead," Annie admitted, taking Peter's hand and sitting up.

Peter shook his head, "No, you're hitting all those crazy high notes and you've got that accent, you're doing great. There's no way she doesn't like you."

"You really think so?"

"I know so, and you're kinda the more experienced out of everyone... you went to an actual acting school," Peter pointed out, smiling.

Annie huffed, "Don't do that..."

"Do what?" he asked, grinning.

"That whole confidence thing where you tell me that I'm the best when I'm totally not."

"You know... I think you're just being humble."

Annie sighed, grabbing a hair-tie from her nightstand, "I mean, I guess... but that's not the point. What do you say we do something kind of illegal?"

"Like what? Are you breaking into the liquor cabinet?" Peter asked.

She rolled her eyes, laughing a bit, "That was one time and it was a holiday, but no, it's a different type of illegal, come on."

Annie got on her computer, opening a browser, "Besides, this is slightly less illegal because bootlegs are only illegal if you're downloading them. And it's gonna be better than the 1961 movie."

"What're you doing?" Peter asked, sitting at the edge of her bed.

Annie grinned mischievously, "Totally not showing you the 2009 West Side Story revival to show you some of my ideas. You said you speak Spanish, right?"

"Um... yeah, why? Do you?" he questioned, watching as Annie was looking up something.

"Well, I can sing it, and my dad said I was, uh, found in South America so... my point is, adding more Spanish lyrics in some spots. Hell, during the regular dialogue even," she explained as she clicked on a video, "Okay, also, this isn't even on Broadway anymore, so we couldn't even see it legally if we had the money."

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