Chapter 13

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For a moment, Annie thought that Peter had figured her out. As terrified as she normally would have been, her pain clouded that fear. If nothing else, she was almost certain that Peter wouldn't hurt her. So when he opened his window, letting her in, she figured that he already knew who she was.

He pressed a finger to his lips, "Just try to keep it down, my aunt's finally asleep," he whispered, his voice groggy and low.

"R-right, ah, shit," Annie muttered, biting down on her arm to stop herself from crying out from the pain.

It was then that Peter saw the blood on her leg, "Oh, I-I'll get something for that, just hold on, you can sit on my bed."

Annie nodded a bit, sitting on the bed. The room was a bit different, she had never been in it while it was really dark outside. She looked over at Peter's digital alarm clock on a desk, seeing it was just half past ten. If she took too long to get home, her parents would wonder just what she was up to. She didn't need them asking too many prying questions. More importantly, she didn't know what excuse she would use for having a stab wound right in the side of her left thigh.

"Hey... I found some stuff. Look, it's gonna hurt a lot and I don't really know what I'm doing," Peter said, having a bunch of supplies in one arm while wiping the sleep out of his eyes.

Annie grimaced, "Great, just make it quick... please. Um... could I maybe borrow that pillow of yours? I just... I probably shouldn't bite my arm so much."

"Y-yeah, of course... wait, shouldn't you go somewhere to get this checked out?" Peter asked, looking up at her with concern.

Annie shook her head, "N-no, I just kinda stopped when my leg gave out, ya know?"

"I guess... but... y-you're that White Swan lady, aren't you?" he questioned, wetting some cotton pads with peroxide.

She buried her face in the pillow, feeling like a million needles were stabbing into the wound and tears pierced her eyes again, "Y-yeah... how do you know?"

"Oh,um... I've uh... seen you around before," Peter claimed, a claim that Annie felt was a lie, but didn't feel she was at liberty to ask.

What amazed her was that Peter just didn't recognize her at all. Maybe it was because he was tired, or because she didn't normally sound like she was in so much pain. She couldn't say anything more as he continued to clean the wound. A part of her wanted to scream until the pain went away, but she was positive that if May got involved that her cover was blown for sure. Annie was already toeing the line she never liked to mess around with. It was why she tended to avoid people she knew while out patrolling.

Then again, Annie had never seen Peter around while she was out trying to save the city. Though, it wasn't like she was paying attention. She did glide from building to building a lot, and she knew that. That had to have been why he knew who she was.

"I-I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I-it's not as deep as I thought, y-you should be okay," Peter said, yawning a little bit.

Annie nodded, tears blurring her vision and Peter shook his head when he saw, "Hey, hey, hey. You're fine, I just need to get the blood to stop. I-I'll bandage it up, but I'll have to rip this tear a bit more."

"J-just do it, that's fine," she said, not wanting to meet his gaze.

Sure, Harper would probably kill her if she asked for a new suit, but Annie needed it. While there was no way that she would get it for another couple weeks, Annie knew that she could patch it up so it would hold out for that long. Those thoughts managed to take over her head instead of the pain from her thigh. It felt more like a dull ache after what looked to be fifteen minutes.

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