Chapter 2 - Year 5

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Adaline was getting on the train loading up for her fifth year at Hogwarts. She was glad to be on the train. This had been a long summer at home. Her parents had been so angry at her ever since she was placed in Gryffindor. This past summer, however had been tough, she kept trying to convince her little brother Max that their parents' motives were wrong. Her parents found out, of course, and used the Cruciatus curse on her almost every week for attempting to corrupt Max.

Adaline went down the train hall and found Marlene and Alice sitting in a compartment. Adaline walked in and sat down.

" Hey girls, how was your summer? Where is Lily by the way?" asked Adaline.

Marlene was the one to reply " Lily is in the prefect compartment" she said jokingly in the hoity toity air. And a giggle.

" My summer was good, guess who I got to spend some time with." she said with a giggle as her cheeks turned rose. " Frank, Frank Longbottom, guys he is a sweet gentleman."

Adaline and Marlene giggled at her. The group of four boys waltz into their compartment and sat down. Adaline looked at the girls and rolled her eyes.

They boys had become slight legends within Hogwarts they were even dubbed the Marauders. The boys thought they were the greatest gift to Hogwarts, well at least Potter and Black did. Over the last few years James started asking Lily Evans out every chance he could and she kept turning him down. She thought he was arrogant and rude. He had a tendency to bully and hex random amounts of people, including Lily's best friend from her childhood Severus Snape.

Sirius Black was still haughty and egotistical as always. He, unlike James didn't ask only one girl out all the time, but Sirius bounced from girl to girl, girls seemed to swoon over him and his annoyingly long hair. Adaline didn't understand how they feel for his charm. She thought of him as a fool. Sirius also joined in James's hexing and pranks.

Remus was the toned down one of the group well in the means of he was not as loud as the others yet he seemed to still be involved in the pranking but no hexing.

Peter just seemed to tag along with the group as he had for the past four years. He seemed the same as always. Still the same short round boy who always talked with a squeak in his voice.

" What brings you guys into our compartment" asked Adaline.

" As you see Raven we are here to see Lily for our dear friend James here. He has a quick question for the fiery redhead." replied Sirius.

" Black you know my name is Adaline, use it... also Lily is in the prefect compartment at the moment in time so you guys can keep on moving and find someone else to pester." Adaline said with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

Black smirked at her reply. " Meh, I prefer Raven, suites your hair and all."

Adaline just rolled her eyes. Adaline unlike the rest of her family had Raven black hair and hazel eyes, which was nothing like the rest of her family. Addy always appreciated that.

 "James looks mopey because Evans wasn't around." Peter piped up.

" Remus is a prefect as well, he had to go to the meeting also. I wonder if it is to attempt to keep us out of trouble, but who knows I am not sure why he got made prefect, other than he is a great student I guess."

Peter had a tendency to ramble on when he was nervous, which seemed to be all the time.

" Ok Peter that's enough leave the poor girls alone." James said with a smirk on her face.

Lily walked into the compartment to see the three Marauders sitting there and turned right back around and left. This didn't surprise Adaline, she wanted to avoid Potter at all costs.

" Aw, looks like you have been turned down before you can even get a word out there Potter. You going to go chase after her? You should be good at that since it's your position on the Quidditch team." Adaline said slightly snarky.

" Ha, good one Raven but leave the poor bloke alone and let him repair his shattering heart. Sirius said with a grin.

James gave Sirius a dirty look. " Alright mate, thanks for the support." he said with a slight joking bitterness.

The train pulled up to the Hogwarts stations and everyone unloaded and jumped into the Carriages. Somehow Adaline ended up in a carriage with all four marauders and herself. Great she thought just how I want to spend my first evening at Hogwarts was with these fools.

" Hello Addy how was your summer?" asked Remus.

" Oh, you know it was.. Nothing special, spent it attempting to avoid my parents and older brother." Adaline said this with an attempt at a joking tone. Black took a moment from messing around with James and quickly glanced at Adaline. Black thought that sounded fairly similar to how he spent his summers before he ended up spending his entire summers at the Potters.

" I cannot wait to see how good the summer has been on the girls this year, wasn't to bad on you over there Raven. How about we ditch out of the feast early and have some fun in a broom closet?" Black said with an arrogant smirk.

Adaline made a snarky comment back " Shove off Black, I would never go snogging a little boy toy like you. I am out of your league any how, you know with a functioning brain unlike your other girls."

James let out a little snort and Remus had a big grin on his face. Sirius almost looked surprised at Adaline's sassy response.

" Raven you hurt me" Sirius said in a jokingly sad voice as he gripped his heart with both hands.

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