Chapter 16: To the Other Half of My Soul

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"Well, Polly, it's just us up here," Raja chuckled.

Raja on his free time had found a window that was not in the most wonderful condition. It led straight up one pillar. It was hard to climb up top to the top of the spires. 

He enlisted the help of his dragon. He had been growing so much at such a rapid pace that he was able to carry one person. He was nowhere near the size of his lion, but he rivaled the size of belonging on his shoulder. 

It was the middle of the night. The dragon's scales glimmered in the moonlight that strung up in his dark sky. Polaris laid right next to Raja, his long neck wrapping around him. His head laid at his side with a loud snort. 

He strummed at his small guitar. They had been learning old customs as of the last three days, and here he was, learning it and playing it better than any other student. It was like he already knew how to play. 

It was gentle and quiet. The only ones that could hear were Raja and Polaris who seemed to be enjoying the music. 

Noble wasn't outside his door when he escaped his dorm. Apollo was fast asleep like always. He wondered where the lion had gone off to, but it was weird. He felt like Noble was still watching him while he slept. 

But it was becoming increasingly clear that Raja was becoming an insomniac. 

He would feel bothered when he was in the sunlight. He just didn't feel right. He was restless when it was dark but when he walked outside, he felt like he was at home. This cost him his sleep, but he kept going. He was running on fumes.

"I wish I was like you, Polly," Raja suddenly said, continuing his playing, "Eat all day, play with other dragons, and fly. I wonder how fun it is to fly . . . Does the moon feel good against your scales?"

Polaris lifted his large head and gave his cheek a huge lick. Raja made an audible "ugh" noise when all the dragon spit stuck to his skin.

"I'll take that as a yes," Raja then laughed, his eyes heavy.

His eyes wandered up at the moon. It wasn't full, but he felt drawn to it. He lifted his hand up as if to try and reach for it. Maybe if he reached far enough, he would touch the moon.

"What's happening to me?" He whispered.

Of course, no one answered. Raja didn't expect anyone to. 

What he needed was some guidance. He needed to know what was happening to him, what to do about it, and how to survive what was to come.

He sighed, keeping his hand up. At least the stars were bright. There were so many of them. He learned that each star had a soul of a hero in each one of them. He glanced next to the moon.


The North Star. It was rumored to be the first star in the sky. It was a guiding light when one was lost.

"It's stupid to ask you, Polaris . . ." Raja started as the dragon lifted its head. Raja quickly laid him back down, "But I need some guidance. Everything is confusing. I . . . I don't know what's happening to me. It started to happen to me when I obtained Kingslayer. I just . . . I just need some sign, a push in the right direction."

Raja felt silly in seeking the help of a star in the sky. Could they even hear him?

Raja laid back against his dragon, noticing that the star Polaris was a lot bigger than he thought.

Wait a second.

It was  . . . growing bigger.

And Bigger.

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