Chapter 12: Truce

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The nightmares didn't stop.

It had only been five days since the selection, and it was becoming increasingly clear that they weren't going to stop.

The monster from the dragon selection, the scorch, was haunting him. 

"Watch you're going," A voice scoffed. Raja turned his head to see that it was Farrow. He kept going past Raja. It seemed like they were both restless in the middle of the night.

The dark was a fear that Raja never really picked up, but here he was, flinching when he came across a dark corner. Candles were his friend. His dragon, Polaris, was sleeping inside his room. The poor dragon was always alert to Raja's feelings, a comfort he found soothing. He needed a break.

It was easy to get lost in the halls of a castle. There was so much to explore. Of course, it was forbidden to be walking around this late of night. The students didn't care for the rule, and the professors weren't there to enforce it thoroughly. 

His nose tingled when he approached the stairwell. He touched the walls of the spiral case and closed his eyes. The stone was cold, rough, and aged. He wondered how many kings and queens had been through these halls. How much blood was shed in the name of keeping this massive castle standing?

He didn't know why, but he found a little bit of ease thinking about this castle. With his recent insomnia, it was easy to overthink things. Familiarity settled in his stomach as his legs pressed forward to climb the stairs.

The floor he was on, the second floor, held the dorms for both genders. The first contained the large hall where they met for meals and the halls that had the servant quarters and the kitchens. The third had lots of former bedrooms converted into small classrooms in order to fit students. The area in the back was majority barracks and a stable along with other lodgings for professors and classrooms. A large ballroom was to the right, one that isn't used very often.

He walked up the stairs with his hand brushing against the stone, each step heavy and full of thought.

When Raja arrived on the third floor, he hesitated. The thought of getting caught roaming in his mindless wanderlust was intimidating. He had faced far worse, however.

What he didn't expect was to find Farrow leaning against a door, his pointed ear listening onto what was happening inside.

They spotted each other rather quickly. Farrow's brows furrowed in frustration at the sight of his rival. 

"What's happening?" Raja mouthed to the elf. It was a miracle that he could see in this darkness.

Farrow narrowed his eyes and touched his other ear and then to the door before shaking his head.

Raja rolled his eyes before crouching down next to him, leaning in close. They were only two inches apart but if this was a secret, that would be the only way they would be able to talk.

"What're you even doing?" Raja whispered very quietly, tempted to press his own ear to the door.

Farrow sighed just as softly, "Why should I tell you?"

"Because . . . I can scream and make us both get in trouble! We're not even supposed to be out of our dorms!" Raja threatened.

The elf gave Raja a nasty look before rolling his eyes, "Fine. The headmaster . . . and some professors are in here. Saw them walking inside. Talking about something. Listen."

Raja deciding it was better not to fuss about it, he pressed his own ear to the door.

"Why can't we just let them learn?" Said a voice, female.

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