Chapter 21: And Where This One Will Begin

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The rush of the wind was particularly strong as the two whipped past in a sort of languid trance to one another. Finding openings in the castle walls of the castle were harder and more guarded but the gaping structures of what held an army back from destroying the town once and for all was easy to pick through. These gaps served as almost gates in a way but also passageways through the town.

After they ran forward towards the late night bazaar, Raja couldn't help but stare directly towards Noble, disregarding the outside world and zoning into him. The clink of his chainmail armor and his plate quietly clanked with each step. His larger, stronger body stood firm and his hand, wrapped in worn leather, held into his hand tightly. His pale skin almost glowed in the pale moonlight and his hair, curly and voluminous, bounced with each passing.

Raja just wanted to reach out, touch the strands. He bet they felt like the finest silk in that moment.

The cobblestone pathway roughly led to the middle of the castle village. There, wooden poles were lit with hanging lanterns to light the way. Draped tapestries of old made tents for the bazaar, easily fastened up and easily torn down. The bazaar was just dying down from its busy customers, the walkways lazily put and organized just having a few customers coming to buy.

Noble stopped at the outskirts of the market, squeezing Raja's hand and looking back to him, before pulling the said hand away, "I would rather keep your attire a surprise, so I will accompany you to the tents but not walking in."

"Even though you will see it shortly after?" Raja questioned, quirking an eyebrow. He slightly shivered from the wind.

"That is how back home did it," Noble said confused, "Ma organized a lot of them. The bride always hides herself from their sacred garb until they are to be married."

Raja blushed thinking about it. He imagined his wedding to be with someone nice and respectable and in the middle of the village, but . . . nothing like this.

"It leaves me something to be surprised about," Noble tried to argue, walking him finally into the market. Raja's school robes definitely got some attention but no one actively started to make a fuss, "A special memory?"

"I guess so," Raja shrugged, trying to find reason and logic in that sort of tradition but his mother always told him that it was bad luck to see that sort of thing before the ceremony, "Just follow me. Mind handing me the rest of the money then?"

Noble smiled, handing him a small pouch heavy full of coins, "Sure."

Raja smiled back at him as he turned to face the path. He waited for Noble to join him at his side. When the lion didn't, he turned his head to look at the lion who glanced back with a confused look.


"Aren't you going to walk besides me?" Raja inquired.

"Ah! Yes, sure," Noble said, a little flustered as he took a step forward. As soon as he did so, Raja started to walk towards the path, keeping himself on the left most side while Noble was on his right.

The differently colored tents held their own unique sort of treasures. The tents were pitched in the wooden poles that once held old world homes, reusing them for their use as they all piled on their heights to share the room. Raja briefly walked them past a stall selling a variety of little knick-knacks, mainly handmade tools, toys and oddly-sewn clothing. They walked past another, selling bottles of homemade wine and alcohol, playing them in mason jars and looked like green blue ocean waves.

Still, it was all left to be desired for what they had planned and Noble, quiet and regal as he looked, spoke up quietly, "I can't believe this is happening."

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