Chapter 8: A Rebirth Like No Other

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Kadum was nothing but ruthless. There, the professor stood gazing upon the two boys.

Raja wiped the sweat off his brow. He was in a small ring, the students spectating above through a metal cage. It was like an arena, almost. Raja felt it fitting considering that this was the normal of this training.

It wasn't a surprise that the professor just so happened to put him up against someone that had made Raja's daily life more difficult to deal with. 

Farrow, a brute and quite the fighter, was a tall, muscular man. He wasn't as young as Raja was, but he got accepted by his fighting skills alone. He took didn't take crap from anyone and if they picked a fight, they would be left bloody. He was also a heartthrob. Girls practically swooned over him. Raja admitted that he did look handsome, though, with his silver hair and his strange orange and blue cat eyes. Elves were always pretty.

He was loved by the school for his talent, but all he was to Raja was a bully. 

As much as he loved to fight him, Raja was getting his ass whooped. Without his sword, without Kingslayer, he didn't feel the confidence to stand up and fight against him.

He was pushed to the ground, a foot bruising his side as Raja coughed.

Raja felt too weak in the moment to get his butt up. All he could remember was the weekend before.

Raja was walking down the boy's dormitory to his room when he was suddenly pushed up against the wall, hard. Raja instinctively hugged the white lion he had won from his visit to the town.

"So you think you're all it, huh?" A deep voice growled.

Raja gulped as he glanced up. He had seen this elf before. He had been the few that he had to perform the ceremony on. It was Farrow.

"Pathetic. You're shaking," He sneered, "How can such a shrimp like you be picked by a sword like that? Weakling."


"I'm supposed to get a sword like that! I'm stronger than you!" Farrow complained, "I am a descendant of the great king Idos, the Kingslayer! That is my namesake!"

Raja was stunned, but his brain was quick to respond, "The sword chose me! King Idos' bloodline ended centuries ago! It was historically proven!" Of course, Raja would know since he had to write up a report on the subject, "If you were truly the sword's master, then you would have been chosen."

Oh boy, that ticked off a nerve. A small crowd was starting to form behind the tall elf. In the heat of the moment, a fist slammed into his stomach, forcing the tanned boy to drop his plush.

Raja coughed and took in a breath of air. The punch was so quick that he didn't have time to even react.

Before Raja was able to respond to such a bold statement, his lion was ripped from the floor, the finely-knitted string so easy to tear. He watched as his stuffed lion Leo was torn to a mountain of stuffing and ruined handiwork.

"I'll prove to that sword that I'm more worthy than you are," Farrow declared, his eyes glowing with anger, "At least I'm a man and not a child with stuffed animals." He then proceeded to spit on it, ruining his lovely day.

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