Chapter 13- Meeting the folks

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No ones POV

Taekook has just finished the second day if conferences which was a success. Now they had the rest of the week to enjoy themselves.

Jungkook POV

They were now relaxing in their presidential   suite in the most beautiful hotel with the most beautiful view. "Kookie can we visit my grandparents tomorrow?" tae asked with glee in his eyes. "Of course baby, I would love to meet them, I just hope the like me" I said nervously. " Nonsense, they would love you." He reassured. "Let's just rest for now and worry about that tomorrow hmm?" I suggested to which he just nodded.

Cuddled in heaps of blankets with our limbs entangled we dozed off to sleep.

The next day

Taehyung's POV

"Tae does this look okay" kookie asked as he walked out of the bathroom wearing a suit

"Kookie you look hot as fuck, but, why so formal. Just put on something casual." I said. " I need to make a good first impression " he argued. " they'll love you no matter what, how about I just pick something for you to wear?" I asked, he just nodded with the most adorable pout on his lips, I just kissed it away, he was shocked at first but soon melted into the kiss. "Dont pout, my little muscle bunny" I said with a giggle. " Muscle bunny?" He questioned. " you look like a bunny and you have muscle, therefore muscle bunny. " I explained. He just giggled." While, then, you are my little tiger" he returned, I just laughed at him.

After about an hour we were both ready to visit my grandparents. Me wearing a black t shirt with white pants, a watch and my headband.

While kookie was wearing a black and white striped shirt with cute pants.

Time skip

We were standing right in front of my grandparents house. "Kookie calm down, they will love you I promise, if it gets too hectic we will leave ok?" I tried calming him down. " no, you are so happy, I'm not going to disappoint you, I'm sure, I'll survive" he said. I just smiled at his bravery and determination. He couldn't help but let out a shaky breath before knocking on the door.  A frail old lady opened the door. "Grandma~" tae chimed, looking so happy. "Finally, you took forever just standing there outside." The old woman replied. "Of course you were watching through the window" I chuckled, gran has not changed one bit. "And who is this handsome young man?" Gran questioned. "Gran this is jungkook, my boyfriend." I said proudly. "Nice to meet you kookie, can i call you that?  Thank you for making my Taetae happy" She said with a toothy grin. "Nice to meet you Mrs Kim, it would be an honour for you to call me that and it's all my pleasure, Taetae is an angel"

Mrs kim just laughed at my introduction. "Dont be so formal, call me Martha, why don't taetae take you to his room and you guys settle in while I make us some lunch" she suggested to which we both nodded.

Jungkook's POV

We head upstairs and into Taes old room. I look around in awe, it perfectly suits his personality. "Your room is too cute, it's so you" he said. "Staph~, its embarrasing" he said blushing.

"See, i told you my grandmother would love you, you know she likes you when she let's you call her by her first name" tae said. I sighed in relief. "I'm glad, I like her, she so nice and you just like her"  I said.

"Yeah, I'm starting to think she loves you more than me, but who could blame her when I have the most perfect boyfriend in the universe" tae complimented. Now it was my time to blush. "Staph~" I said embarrased.


Sorry for taking so long to update, I'll try to update more regularly.

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